Maader Pt2

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It was the next morning, I was awoken by Jafar and welcomed with more paperwork, " You need to finish these, then you'll be free to whatever you want. BUT, finish them, don't leave them halfway done, Sis."

Jasmine nervously chuckled rubbing her head, "but...I promised the kids I'd tell them stories..." Jafar rolled his eyes while poor them a cup of tea, "I'm aware, they'll be here soon. You can finish your story as you complete the work, I'll help if you want but it needs to get done." She instantly ran to her brother, "aw you'll help me! I love you so much little brother!"

Jafar tried his best to get out of his sisters grasp, "get off, your too much sometimes!" She laughed tightly hugging him, "Only to you~ " His face turned red from embarrassment when the door open revealing the trio ready to finish the story. "Wow, Aunti must really love her brother Jafar!" Aladdin said laughing at the two. "That too cute..." Said Morgianna.

"J..JASMINE!!" Yelled Jafar, face completely red mixed of anger and embarrassment, She just laughed as she sat down at her desk, "you ready to finish listening about how we met Masrur and overcame almost losing our life?" They all sat down drinking the tea Jafar gave them and nodded, "let's see.."


After the negotiations with Maader, we went back to the company to share the good news with everyone. " we can still work here?!" The whole company cheered at the news that the company will still be open, "we are saved!"

"So that means the company wasn't ruined because of me after all!!" Vittel yelled in pure bliss, but was snatched up by Hinahoho as if to remind him to be careful next time. The whole company celebrated as Sin and Jazz walked to their room to prepare to leave in three days to the Arena.

"While I'm gone I expect you to keep everything in order until we come back, Hinahoho" Sin said walked along with his friends. "Of course leave it to me, just be sure to make it back, both of you." Vittel laughed, "This is Sinbad we are talking about, he'll be fine! I mean, he four all of us and won!"

Hinahoho shook his head, " I'm not worried about his fighting, I'm worried a pretty woman will distract him and make him lose everything again." Which wasn't a lie, the notorious womanizer still hasn't changed, but only when Jasmine isn't around.

"He better not, or I'll be sure to end him quicker then that gladiator could." Growled Jasmine, a dark shadow appeared around her, and a few flickers of fire appeared. Hinahoho laughed patting his masters back, "That's right, Jasmine will keep you in check!"

"More like checked into a hospital..."

"That's why I'm going with you! I've already given instruction out and simple things can be handled by our dedicated employees. It won't affect anything if I tag along." Jafar came around with a large bag filled with scrolls and other supplies, "hey, you don't have to come on this type of trip Jafar you know..."Beside you'll just help Jasmine put me in a coma and make it look like an accident...

"No, it's my fault you had to get through this because I didn't pay enough attention to what was going on around me. It's my duty to go and make sure you both come back. Beside, now that Miss Jasmine is involved in this deal, I'll watch over her while your being a idiot fighting." He explained

"That's true... It could be a trap. It's best if we take someone else not truly involved Sin." Agree to Jafars plans she placed a hand on his should looking down at his small form. Jafars eyes looked up at Jasmine's face, she was calm and proud at his thought process. Feeling the stare on her, she met his eyes with a smile and pat his head. "We can always depend on you Jafar to be logical with us."

"You haven't changed since we first met you." Sin started. Jafar, confused looked at sin waiting for his explanation," you're the only one who really sees the bad things about me, more so then Jazz. You always tell me so frankly that I can always rely on you to watch my back for me."

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