Day off

14 1 4

I looked at the clock as it rang it tune waking me from sleep I didn't think I would get. I'm a night owl with the habit of staring at the ceiling thinking about the books I have read. The journeys they went on like in allice and wonderland she goes to this new world where everything was anything but normal.

I sometimes slept with my books hoping the words would suck me in and I could live the life of a sailor exploring the world or the life of a king with the choice of a bride instead of waiting for the day I found my mate. A mate is supposed to be a wolfs soul mate. I stumble out of bed hitting the clock, watching as it resets itself. Kneeling by the clock wasn't something I normally did but today was special. I looked around for a clean pair of boxers shifting the direction of my knees. There was a pair of folded neatly on top of my dresser. It was Landry day but it would have to wait because I was booked with whatever my aunt had planned. I get up walking over and changing into plan boxers. I grabbed a pair of matching socks from my draw along with a shirt. I didn't care too much for what I wear but today it had to be clean. I grabbed a nice pair of jeans I save for days we go out. I licked my hand and fixed up my hair in a rush to make breakfast before she woke up. I jogged out of my room to the kitchen which was just down the hall. I washed the dishes yesterday so I could have everything to work with. We had four eggs left so I grabbed a pan to scramble with. We didn't have the money for bacon so I pulled out six hash brown patty's, put them on a pan and into the oven. I started to crack the eggs into the pan to fry up.

I heard grumbling and low muttering from my aunt's room with my wolf hearing, which meant she was awake just in time. I started to plate the eggs and get the hash brown patty's, shutting the oven off. I hear "FUCK!" , come from my aunt's room and an "ow, ow " after. I laugh because she has a habit of knocking he toe on things like her dresser or the door. I grab the dishes and put them in the sink. I grab her a fork as I hear her frustrated now awake footsteps down the hall. She wonders over to me with her nose in the air.

"Smells good",we didn't own a table so we ate in the living room. I sat on the couch across from her and began to eat.

"How was the dinner?", she looks at me with a tired face.

" I dropped a plate with food on it so my check ended up reduced by 30 dollars". She rubs her head then smiles at me.

"That won't affect what I have planned for today though", she grins with a new uplifted face. We both needed a break for today. I missed her real smile that wasn't forced on a dreary face.

We both finish up our food and put the dishes in the sink. I grab my coat as she heads for her wallet and keys to the truck. She puts her shoes on and I grab a CD from a shelf in the living room to play in the truck. The older truck had rust with patches of baby blue paint left which was just another sign of how much we needed to get out. I closed the truck door well my aunt got her seat belt on. I watched as our home got smaller as we drove to town which wasn't too far from is a homey cabin. The flat lands with countless trees outside the window made me think about being in wolf form with the wind in your fur. The dirt in your paws as you pushed further with each breath of fresh air. My aunt asked about how my online school was but I really didn't have an answer. School always seemed easy to me, no complaints but the fact I had to write an exam this year at a real school in town to prove I wasn't cheating my final. Last year of school though so I told her about the projects in the English courses like writing an essay on our favorite novel and why we loved it. I read so many books so it was hard to choose a hardcover novel that was great to write about. She smiled at our conversion to pass the short period of time.

We reached town passing Danny's Diner on our way in. The place looked run down but I knew it had the best ice cream in town. I searched my aunt for a sign of what we were doing today. I looked as we passed the pet store where a kind man named Ben ran the store. We use to go in there for fish food before my fish bubbles died. My aunt told me it was just not eating by choice. I looked at we turned the corner. We turned into a parking lot I didn't recognize.

"We are here", she looks at me admiring my new hairstyle called rush. She licks her hand and fixes my hair. 

" Where are we and what are we doing?", I look at the two doors she points at but there is no signs or markers so I just get out with my aunt. We start walking towards the doors. I feel a sense of welcoming when I walk in. We brush are booted off and walk up to a lady by a counter. She looks at us,
"We have a pair of early birds", I look at her as my aunt Carmen nods no at the lady. We come closer and my aunt says " You have two volunteers ",
the lady looks at her and smiles with a warm greeting then at me with a curious look. 

"Never mind just a few more hands", the lady points towards the doors she was yelling towards. My aunt looks at me with a grin then tells me this is where my mother would spend her time. I look at this place with a new found joy. It was a soup kitchen, even though it was my aunts one day off in a long time she wants to help others. I admire her for this, I also look around as two lady's hand our aprons. One man takes me to start peeling and taking corn off corn into a bowl for the soup. My mother starts working on the breading getting floor on her pants. I wish she had told me I wouldn't have worn such nice jeans just to get corn juice on them. In a way, I saw this as a gift because it meant that I could ask people around here what my mother was like. My aunt told me story's of when they were kids but I didn't feel connected with them.

We had finished our jobs and people were starting to flow in. They were in worse shape than us,
I started to be more thankful for the things we did have like eggs this morning. These men and women with children were mainly human in tell around super. They pulled out mac and cheese for the several wolf family's I saw. I was heartbroken to see so many wolfs living in need of food. I was turning 18 tomorrow and Since my aunt was working she was willing to let me spend the day in town. I wanted to spend the day looking for a mate at the high school but I had just changed my mind. I wanted to spend my time getting to know my mother though these people. Soon everyone left and I told my aunt my idea as she did the dishes well I dried them. The lady's and some of there husbands were willing to help me by giving me a piece of paper to put up. They also told me those who got information on my mother could get an extra cookie one lady was bringing for these people tomorrow. I couldn't wait to hear about my mother and her good will. Her soft hands rubbing my back was all I pictured.

We arrived home.

"I hope you had fun, you seemed too", her face was tired and she looked liked she was about to cry but she didn't she just walked off after I told her I enjoyed the time we spent there today.

I looked at the time and it was eight Pm so I walked down the hall into my room. I put my coat to the side. I gripped hold of my laundry and went to a room to do it. I then went back into my room. Doing all that work took a lot out of me so I decided not to read tonight. I held 'Ink Heart' in my arms and climbed into bed. I used a pillow to shut the light off by throwing it at the switch. I held the book tight and dozed off.....

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