Part 22

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Part 22

Khushi run in her room clutching her dupatta. Closing the door behind she leaned her back on the wood door making her body lean down slowly. She seat on the ground pulling her knees near to her heart. Bunches of tears were rolling on her cheeks. She doesn't have the strength to stop them.

Khushi (In her heart): "You will regret Arnav.. You won't able to give my hand to any man. You won't able too..! You can say a millions of YES but your eyes can't lie. You are such a hypocrite. I hate you for what you are making me to do. This move of yours will cause numerous pains to you and you won't able to convince your heart.."

She cried hard hugging her knees. She just can't believe that one day this day will come in her life. Where she will be someone else wife other than Arnav Singh Raizada..?


The next morning was again a dull start for Arnav. His life just coming to end, that's what he believes. Seating at the edge of the bed, he whole his forehead due to the pain he is feeling in his head. It was too hard to control. He drank a lot and surely it's the side effect.

He opened a drawer and search for the medicine which he hardly take even after been assured before by the Doctor and Aman. But today he really needs one to control the pain. Its hell aching. Gulping the medicine with the water and wait for it to work on him.. But suddenly, he felt like vomiting.. He rushed towards the bathroom and started to throw out in the sink. He clutched the counter trying to stop himself from throwing at this extend. His inner muscles and cells were causing unbearable pain in him. Tears flooded in his eyes. The pressure he is putting in throwing out was making too difficult for him to fight.

He wait and wait.. Letting the immunity system soothe while he controlled to bear the pain which will disappeared after sometimes. Later, he gulped down some water and washed his face. Trying to avoid others questions to think that he is SICK..!

However, when he open the bathroom door he saw Sneha standing before him holding the same Barbie that he gave her during her birthday. His first gift ever to his daughter.

Arnav: "Morning.." He tried to plaster a smile as Sneha was staring him like she saw an alien.

Sneha: "There is something beside your lips.." She pointed her finger.

Oh SHIT..! He hurriedly went inside the bathroom and wash off those blood stain that left on his skin. He curses himself for being neglect. How can he didn't saw it..? Damn..!

Sneha started to knock the bathroom door calling him to come out. Arnav took a deep breath and walk out with a fake smile playing on his lips. He went near his wardrobe and took out his clothes trying to make himself busy. Though it is a way of avoiding Sneha's query.

Sneha: "Is everything okey with you..?" She asked with concern filled tone.

Arnav: "Absolutely... I'm fine nothing to worry. It was just some dirt and I clean it.." Sneha somewhere wasn't satisfied with his reply. She can clearly differentiate between blood and dirt. "Errmm.. Where is your Mamma..?" He wanted to change the topic and at the same time he wanted to know about Khushi's whereabouts too.

Sneha: "She went out early in the morning and told me that she have some work and will be back soon.."

Arnav seat on the recliner switching ON his laptop while his brow frowned a bit.. Work..? What work she has..? He started to wonder. Sneha take two steps towards Arnav and slowly, she sit on his lap without giving any gesture. She hugged his neck with her face leaning on his broad chest.

Sneha: "You okey na..?" Her soft voice make Arnav take her in his arms.

The little girl was having numerous thoughts and reaction when it comes to this man. The stranger and now cum her UNCLE. She don't know why she having the feel that this man is more than an Uncle to her. Seem like she is connected to him and his heart. She has never felt something beyond this for anyone except Khushi. Not even Ranveer. She might call him Daddy but till now she had never witness the tendency and softness that she felt and see in Arnav's hold. There is something more in this man where she can't let her small heart to stop missing him. Every single second she wanted to be with him as his hold were soothing. But least she know it's a fatherly touch where it can't be replace nor it can be comparable. They might stay milestones away but a father's touch will always remain memorable.

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