Part 17

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Part 17

Sneha: "Daddy.." She called excitedly and run towards him. Arnav's heart skipped as he thought his daughter knows him..? But unfortunately, it shuttered when she just passed by him without even looking at him as he was unknown to her. He does turn behind only to find her hugging Ranveer legs.. He gulped down the pain he felt in his heart knowing the fact that his daughters too don't need him..? She has a man whom she can call as a Daddy even he wasn't his biological father. What can be more painful than this after hearing the word Daddy wasn't for him..

Jenny still couldn't able to believe that her chief is here before her eyes..? Few years passed and now they are seeing him again here before everyone. He was looking a bit thin with his face little dull. Even, Ranveer was shocked to see Arnav. He was searching him since years but none of his source was able to find him. They followed Aman for nearly 2 months but still they couldn't find any clue about ASR's whereabouts.

The entire eyes were looking at him but Arnav's eyes were only on his daughter. His heart was sinking as he wanted to hold her even for the last time. He won't ask more than this. He wanted to hug his daughter and promise to himself that he won't demand anything further.

Sneha was still hiding her face in between Ranveer's leg. She was always scared of new people and will never near them unless she start liking them mutually. Ranveer gesture Jenny to hold her while he went to hug his best friend.

Ranveer: "How are you dude..? Where did you go..? Do you know how crazily I was looking for you..?" Arnav too replied on his grip. He didn't know what he should say. He wasn't in a mood of explaining everything on how and where..? He is here now so that should matter nothing else.

Arnav(Pulling back from the hugged): "I'm fine.. It's just that I need a new environment to start a new life.." He said shortly.. He was trying to build a new life away from this place. But he was failed, his life was bonded to his wife. His breath was depending on her. But finding her nowhere beside him, it was so tough for him to live.

Ranveer: "I have a lot to talk with you.. Let's have coffee so we can talk comfortably.." Arnav nodded in agreement for joining his friend. That's when Shilpa came forward and the ice cream she bought for Sneha fell down due to the shocked which she saw recently before her eyes.

Shilpa: "Arnav..?" She went to him and was really happy to see him at last. He was really in a change look. If anyone saw him now no one can recognize he the same ASR.. "Where you been..? We was so worried about you.. Do you know you have a daughter..?" Arnav's eyes move to Sneha who were standing little far from them. She couldn't understand what they were talking..? The conversation was only between them. She hardly heard anything. Shilpa too turn to find Sneha and that's when she saw her standing near Jenny. "Sneha come here.." She called gesturing through her hand. But she wasn't moving an inch. Her legs were glued on the ground. Jenny to gesture her to go but seem she was hesitate.

Ranveer: "Wait a minute, let me bring her here.."

The moment Ranveer walked to Sneha, Arnav's heart started to beat fast then usual. He don't know what would be Sneha reaction but more than that he was scared. Scared what if she don't like him..? Ranveer carried her up and walked towards Shilpa and Arnav..

Shilpa: "Sneha.. Look who is here.." She tried to make her look at Arnav but she was hiding her face with her hand was wrapped possessively on Ranveer's neck. Ranveer forcefully make her look at Arnav yet she was struggling.

Arnav move his hand forward to caress her cheek but in return his hand been waves away by Sneha. Shilpa, Ranveer so does Arnav was surprised by the sudden rudeness of Sneha. They knew she won't get along with people she don't know but they never expected this from her end. She was literally pushing her real Father. Even though, she wasn't aware of anything but still she have no right to be rude with others.

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