Jin Hyungs recovery

Start from the beginning

"Do you need a wheelchair?! Is it too hard to walk?!" He asked frantically, even though the car was only a few feet away. Namjoon even had his hand on the door handle.

"I'm okay Kookie, just cold." Jin reassured, continuing his steps.

Jungkook nodded to himself, climbing into the car after everyone else. The group gave the staff one more thanks and took off. Hoseok drove, Namjoon sat in the passenger, and Jungkook and Jin took up the back. Jin sat silently with his eyes shut, slowly letting his body doze off against the car seat. Jungkook remained anxious, bouncing both of his legs wildly. He knew Jin was okay, he knew if he needed something he would tell them, he knew the eldest was only going to get better, but he couldn't help but feel panicked. What if he was wrong?

Throughout the drive, Jin stayed still, his muscles achey and sore. The group had done some intense rehearsals for the show, lasting nearly eleven hours. That was one of the biggest leading reasons to his collapse. Jin was still fairly shaken up from the experience, but with the weight of exhaustion looming over his shoulders, he just slept it away, hoping no one would make too big of a deal. All he wanted was to get back to normal life.

After an hour, Hoseok carefully parked the car and looked back at Jin and Jungkook. Jin appeared fast asleep, his lips parted and eyes lidded. Hoseok smiled to himself, letting his gaze slowly trail over to Jungkook. He looked like a nervous wreck. Jungkook was staring at Jin, chewing on his lip and bouncing his legs like a maniac.

"Kook-ah, everything's okay now. Let's get him inside and to his bed." Hoseok said caringly, giving Jungkook an assuring smile.

The maknae nodded and proceeded to get out of the car like everyone else. He hurried over to the other side of the car where Namjoon was quietly waking Jin from his slumber. He watched like a hawk as Namjoon mumbled to his hyung.

"C'mon, let's get you inside where you can lay down. Your bed has new sheets that are waiting for you." Namjoon said, helping Jin unbuckle and get to his feet.

Jin laid his head on Namjoons shoulder and grumbled, hazy and worn out from the car ride, even though he had fallen asleep. He quietly tucked himself away, being engulfed in Namjoons arms and height.

"I'm tired, Joonie." Jin whispered.

Jungkook watched with worry, fearful that he might need to return to the hospital. Jungkook looked up at the pair one last time before taking off inside. He had an idea.

Jungkook leapt into the apartment and ran to Jin's bedroom. He dug around his closet, pulling out the silkiest pair of pajamas he could find and laid them out on the bed. Then he bolted to the kitchen, accidentally bumping into Jimin, and getting a cup of water. He took the glass back to Jin's room and set it on the bedside table.

"Are you planning to steal Jin's room again?" Jimin asked from the doorway, staring at the younger.

"Huh? No, I was just getting ready, so he can relax." Jungkook explained, gesturing to the glass and pajama set.

"Ah, okay." Jimin said, a taller figure appearing behind him.

"Scoot over Jimin." Namjoon said, tapping him with his finger. Jimin took four steps into the room and watched, as Namjoon lead Jin in.

"Hi Jin-Hyung!" Jimin said, smiling brightly. He walked towards Jin and pulled him in for a hug. "I'm glad you're finally home."

"Me too." Jin responded, basking in the Jimin hug. Jimin gave the best hugs. They were like a tiny bear nestled up against your body.

"Jin- Hyung!" Another voice exclaimed.

Yoongi and Taehyung stumbled noisily into the room, latching onto Jin like bees to a flower. He gladly accepted their love and swayed them side to side.

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