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In the meantime, a couple of other soldiers ventured out to a nearby section of the forrest in search for some more natural materials. Then, they heard a noise. High pitched chattering. Distinctive high pitched chattering that had been heard when they were ambushed by the thieving goblins. In a desperate attempt to make it back to the safety of the town, they quickly turned and tried to rush back to base. However, before even given the chance to begin their frantic dash, they had been surrounded by a much larger, fiercer group of goblins that had jumped out from the tops of the trees. With nowhere left to go, the soldiers stood back to back and prepared for a brutal fight.

In synchronisation, the fleet of goblins simultaneously charged at the two soldiers. Intensely sharp claws gouged at the faces of the outnumbered soldiers. A sword somehow struck the stomach of one goblin who let out a banshee like scream from the pain. Regrettably, that just angered the small demons. A golden seven branched sword penetrated through the chin and out of the skull of one of the soldiers. That left one. He was defenceless, and on the ground being beaten by a dozen goblins. Then, the seven branched sword was shoved into the ground next to him; his blooded face reflected off the gleam of the sword. With Sago still holding the base of his sword, he tugged the soldier up and began dragging him in the direction of The Leader's base.

Oblivious to the mayhem occurring just outside the grounds walls, the groups mood in camp was jubilant - they had progressed vastly over the past several days. Soon they would have a complete village.

"Man Down!" Bellowed a voice from the watchtower. The beaten soldier lay still just inside the range of the watchtower, only inches away from the forrest. Soldiers instantly rushed over to him. However, when they were just meters away, the concealed goblins leapt forward from the bush. Being led by the relentless Sago himself, the goblins had the upper hand in this battle, for he had the seven branched sword tightly in his grasp. For the first time, the soldiers were unsure of what to do.

Despite that, they had a duty to protect their leader. Bearing that in mind, they held their swords and their heads up high showing no fear or intimidation. A smug grin shone across the grotesque face of Sago.

The two clans clashed in a catastrophic collision of calamity.

Swords pierced the flesh of goblins, but intensely sharp claws fought back creating deep wounds in the soldiers' skin. Fatalities occurred continuously on account of both sides. A soldier set sights for Sago but instead was countered by the seven branched sword which ripped into his flesh from seven different angles. Another attempt was made at Sago but was again rejected by Sago's signature sword. The momentum of the battle now began to turn in the favour of the goblins and Sago.

Astonished at what he was witnessing, the weakened Leader had no choice but to emerge from his castle. Instantaneously, he rushed to the side of his men, forcing the goblins to back down. Sago was amazed. Even with his sword in hand he was reluctant to continue the brawl.

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