Lazarus Rising- Part 5

Start from the beginning

"So, you get to just stroll out of the pit, huh? Tell me. What makes you so special?" She sneered.

"I like to think it's because of my perky nipples," Dean joked and she rolled her eyes. "I don't know. Wasn't my doing, I don't know who pulled me out."

"Right. You don't." She scoffed, not believing him.

"No, he doesn't. I'd walk away if I were you." You threatened her but she laughed.

"Lying's a sin, you know."

"We're not lying. I'm not lying. But I'd like to find out, so if you wouldn't mind enlightening me, Flo..."

"Mind your tone with me, boy. I'll drag you back to hell myself." She growled.

"You think about touching him and I will pull you out of this poor girls body myself and so help me God..." You just got started but Dean put a hand on your shoulder to sedate you.

"No, you won't," Dean said.

"No?" The demon smirked and looked from you to Dean.

"No. Because if you were you would have done it already. Fact is, you don't know who cut me loose. And you're just as spooked as we are. And you're looking for answers. Well, maybe it was some turbo-charged spirit. Or, uh, Godzilla. Or some big bad boss demon. I'm guessing at your pay grade that they don't tell you squat. Because whoever it was, they want me out. And they're a lot stronger than you. So go ahead. Send me back. But don't come crawling to me when they show up on your front doorstep with some Vaseline and a fire hose."

"I'm going to reach down your throat and rip out your lungs." She got closer to him and you held yourself back because if you were to make a move on her, she might end up hurting you. Because Dean was right. Dean leaned closer to her, a challenge in his eyes. He immediately socked her in her jaw, throwing another punch after that. The demon just stood there and took the beating without doing anything about it.

"That's what I thought. Let's go, Sam, Y/N." Dean said and you got out of the booth. The demon just sat there, fuming. Dean pulled out a roll of cash and carefully peels off a ten dollar bill. He dropped it on the table without losing eye contact.

"For the pie." He said and glared at her. He walked away from her, Sam on his tail.

"Go back to Hell," You glared at her before walking away from her. You passed by the uniformed man and glared at him too. "All of you should do the same."

"Holy shit, that was close," Dean said when everyone was outside and safe from the demons.

"We're not just going to leave them in there, are we, Dean?" Sam asked.

"Well yeah, there's three of them, probably more, and we've only got one knife between us." Dean shrugged.

"I've been killing a lot more demons than that lately." Sam blurted out. You sighed and felt bad for not being there for him. He was hunting alone and you weren't there to back him up. You felt so guilty for leaving him alone.

"Not anymore—the smarter brother's back in town." Dean grinned.

"Dean, we've got to take them. They are dangerous."

"They're scared, Sam." You sighed.

"She's right, okay? Scared of whatever had the juice to yank me out. We're dealing with a bad motherfucker here. One job at a time." Sam sighed but didn't argue. You looked at him but felt something was off about him. You couldn't place it though.


You, Sam, and Dean got a motel for the night after learning that Bobby was still in the hospital with Pamela. You were so tired from the events that you couldn't research about anything. You and Dean actually passed out on the couch. You fell asleep on top of him which was comfortable but not as comfortable as the bed would have been.

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