Lazarus Rising- Part 4

Start from the beginning

"Wow, I remember when you first showed us the things you can do." Sam chuckled.

"Yeah, I've come a long way. I hope I can find some answers about who I am and who my mom was because apparently, I didn't even know her at all." You sighed.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up. You will find answers." Dean encouraged you.

"Thanks." You smiled and the rest of the car ride was silent.


When you arrived at Pamela's house, Bobby knocked on the door. She answered immediately and your eyebrows raised when she did. She was in her late thirties but she looked confident. You knew she was a strong woman by the way she was holding herself.

"Bobby!" She smiled, bringing your dad in with a tight hug. She actually lifted him slightly off the ground and you shared a look with the brothers. Man, she was definitely strong.

"You're a sight for sore eyes," Bobby said when she put him down. She looked at Sam and Dean appraisingly. She was just checking them out.

"So, these the boys? And you must be Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you. I've wanted to meet Bobby's daughter for quite some time now." She chuckled.

"It's nice to meet you too." You nodded.

"Sam, Dean, Y/N. This is Pamela Barnes, best damn psychic in the state." Bobby finally introduced everyone.

"Hey," Dean smirked. It was in his nature to flirt but you didn't care. He was yours and you knew that.

"Hi," Sam said a little awkwardly.

"Mmm-mmm-mmm. Dean Winchester. Out of the fire and back in the frying pan, huh? Makes you a rare individual." Pamela said with a smile.

"If you say so."

"Come on in," She said, letting everyone come inside. You were the last one in but Pamela stopped you with her hand on your arm. "Is one of them yours?"

"Dean. We're dating." You breathed out a chuckle.

"Damn, he's a sight to see."

"You're preaching to the choir." You giggled and walked into the living room, going next to Dean.

"So, you hear anything?" Bobby asked his friend.

"Well, I Ouija'd my way through a dozen spirits. No one seems to know who broke your boy out, or why."

"Then, what's next?" You asked.

"A séance, I think. See if we can see who did the deed." Pamela shrugged casually.

"You're not gonna... summon the damn thing here, right?" You asked, nervous about this whole thing. You fought and killed monsters for a damn living but you hated working with an Ouija board and all that. No thank you.

"No. I just want to get a sneak peek at it. Like a crystal ball without the crystal." Pamela said as she got things ready.

"I'm game." Dean shrugged and you had no choice but to comply. Pamela got the things ready and spread a black tablecloth covered in symbols over a small table. You stood in the background, biting your bottom lip constantly, worried about this whole thing.

"Hey, stop biting your lip," Dean whispered to you and you looked at him, releasing your lip.

"Sorry, nervous and all."

"It's going to be okay."

"What if you have to go back? What if a demon comes for you and pulls you back?" You started to bite your lip again. Dean sighed and reached up, pulling your lip from your teeth.

"I am not going back. Wouldn't they have done that by now if they wanted to?"

"Yeah, I guess." You sighed. You looked over at Pamela and saw her place several pillars of candles. She placed them all around the table and lit them. Well, time to do this thing. After everything was ready, everyone sat around the table, you in between Sam and Dean.

"Right. Take each other's hands," Everyone did as they were told but you were holding Sam and Dean's hands a little too tightly. Either they didn't notice or they didn't care. "And I need to touch something our mystery monster touched."

"Whoa. He didn't touch me there." Dean said as he jumped. You looked at Pamela with a knowing look and she backed off immediately. She cleared her throat and Dean let go of your hand to pull off his flannel before pulling up his sleeve to reveal they imprinted hand. Sam gasped when he saw it and you looked at him with a nod.

"Yeah, that's happening." You sighed. Pamela laid her hand over the mark and you grabbed Dean's hand again.

"Okay, close your eyes," Pamela said and you did as you were told. Immediately she started chanting.

"I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle. I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle. I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle," A television flickered to life but it was all static. You opened your eyes and noticed everyone else had their eyes open too. But Pamela didn't stop chanting.

"I invoke, conjure, and command... Castiel? No. Sorry, Castiel, I don't scare easy."

"Castiel?" Dean asked, confused. You gasped, knowing that name. You heard that name before from somewhere but couldn't exactly place it.

"Its name. It's whispering to me, warning me to turn back," Pamela said. The static from the TV continued and the table begins to shake.

"Why does that name sound so familiar? Pamela, you should listen." You asked but no one was listening to you.

"I conjure and command you, show me your face. I conjure and command you, show me your face. I conjure and command you, show me your face. I conjure and command you, show me your face." Pamela chanted. The rattling and the static became more violent and you were more nervous than ever.

"Maybe we should stop," Bobby said, worried for everyone. All you could think about was Castiel and why that name sounded so familiar.

"I almost got it. I command you, show me your face! Show me your face now!" Pamela screamed and suddenly the candles flared up several feet in the air and Pamela began to scream. You gasped as she shot her eyes open but they were filled with white hot flames. She collapsed on the floor and the rattling, static and the flames die out. Bobby caught her before she could hit the ground and looked at everyone else.

"Call 911!!" He yelled but Sam was already on it. You and Dean got out of your seat to help but you stopped when you got a vision. Or maybe it was a memory, you couldn't be sure.

"Don't be afraid." You heard a voice say. 19-year-old you looked next to you and saw a tall man wearing a trench coat with a blue tie. He had the bluest of eyes and dark hair. You didn't know who he was but you weren't afraid.

"I'm not. Am I dead?" You asked.

"No, you're not. I won't allow it." The man said, looking at you.

"Who are you?" You asked, ignoring the cries of John as he tried to get you to wake up.

"My name is Castiel but you're not going to remember me when you wake up. I am here to protect you, to make sure you don't die. You're special, Y/N, and you are meant to do great things in life." He said, looking at you.

"Are you an Angel?" You asked, smiling a bit.

"Yes, I am an Angel of the Lord and he has asked me to look over you."

"I can't see! I can't see! Oh God!" Pamela screamed in pain which brought you out of the trance you were in. You had no idea when you met this Castiel but you knew you had at some point. Castiel is an Angel, well, at least that is what he told you but you couldn't be sure that this was even real.

"You're going to be okay," Bobby said and you looked at Pamela to see her eyes open but no eyes. They were burned out of her sockets. Sam, in the next room, was calling the ambulance.

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