Welcome Back!

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Harry and Ron forced Professor Lockhart to come with them to 'Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom.' After I said goodbye to them and I decided to go back to the Gryffindor Common Room as it was getting late.

While I was walking through the corridors, I heard a weird sound. It was as if someone or something was following me. I started to get frighten so I walked faster but the footsteps were gradually coming closer and closer.

I stopped, so did the footsteps. Terrified, I took a deep breathe and turned around to see.

"Draco Malfoy?!" I exclaimed. "What are you doing here and why are you up so late and why are you following me like some weird creep?"

"Just shut up. I was going back to my Common Room. Jeez, why do you have to ask so many questions."

"Your Common Room is like at the other side of the building. Like I asked before why are here?"

"It's none of your business. Miss L/N. Now you better go back to your common room before the Professors will catch you sneaking outside during curfew."

"What? You're out here too!"

"Yes but I'm much superior than you... you... Mudbloods!" He hesitated. For a second I thought he wouldn't say anything related to Mudbloods. But I guess I was wrong.

But being called a Mudblood, doesn't hurt me one bit because at least I'm a witch! And at least I am a student at Hogwarts School! Like come one that's like the best thing ever!

"Alright. You can have all you want Malfoy! But you know what you can't have? Is one, true, genuine friendship.  Cause you know what? My friends, Harry, Ron and Hermione are the bestest friends you could ever ask for! They are smart, caring, brave, funny and much more! So I don't want to waste my time arguing to you. Later loner!" I said as I was skipping along the corridors.

"What?! I HAVE FRIENDS! WAY MORE THAN YOU!" He called back as I nearly reached the Common Room Door.

Before I said the password to the 'Fat Lady' I called back, "Nice to know, Malfoy!" And slammed the door shut.

Next Morning...

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside of my window. I look over to see if Hermione had woken up. Then I remembered that she's still in the hospital wing.

I decided to go to the Hospital Wing, hoping Hermione would be awake by now.

Once I got there, I already saw Hermione sitting up in her bed, smiling wide when she saw me. "Hermione!! I'm so glad you're back!" I gushed as I hugged her.

"Thanks. Me too! So happy to see you! So where's Harry and Ron?"

As soon as we pull off from the hug, Harry and Ron came running into the Hospital Wing with huge smiles on their face.

"Hey! No running in the Hospital Wing."

"Sorry, Madame Pomfrey." They both apologised.

"You guys solved it! You guys solved it!" Hermione said excitedly.
She stood up and hugs Harry. "With loads of help from you."

But when she faced Ron, both of them looked awkward and didn't know what to do. So they just shook their hands. I looked at them both with a smirk while my eyebrows are up. Both of them just rolled their eyes and blushed.

"Welcome back, Hermione." We all yelled as this time, we all hugged her.

Y'ALL TYSM FOR 1K READS! This is honestly a dream come true and I would of never thought that I would reach this far! Tysm for reading this book! I really appreciate it!

Thanks again!

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