Welcome to Hogwarts

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I was asleep but I got woken up by a very cold and bitter voice saying "Oh look who's here. Granger and her new little friend."

I sat up and saw a boy with platinum blond hair and a pale, pointed sneering face with cold icy eyes staring right at me. "Ah. Here wakes up the sleeping beauty. Too bad you're hanging out with a muggle-born. My father always said that muggle-borns will give you bad influence." Snapped the rude boy.

"Well, actually I am a muggle too, and who cares if Hermione is a muggle born? At least she can do spells way better than some wizards who are actually pure bloods." I told him. He came closer to me and frowned "oh yeah? Well then have a nice time hanging out with bunch of weirdos like Potter. You filthy little mudblood."

"Malfoy, go away before I turn you into a hideous frog!" Said Hermione sharply while pointing her wand at the boy. The boy looked shocked and before he was going to his compartment he warned her "You better watch your mouth Granger. As something even worse can happen to you instead." And while turning his view towards me, he hissed "And you watch your back too you mudblood." Then disappeared within the train.

"Wow. That's one rude boy. I wonder who's next." I chuckled softly. Hermione face then turned serious "Y/N. There aren't many people like him at our school. He's just a very few of them. People like him Draco Malfoy, think that they are better than others cause they are somewhat 'Pure-Bloods'. They think that they have a higher rank than any other Wizarding family in the world. But it's alright, once you start ignoring them, it will be fine" she smiled.

I thanked her for telling me some information about the Wizarding World. Even though I know I read all the Harry Potter Books. I can't remember any of it. It's so weird...

Few hours later
It was very late at night when we arrived at Hogwarts. As soon as I got off the train Iheard a big giant looking man yell "1st years come follow me!" Hermione noticed him and introduced me to him "Hello there Hagrid! This is Y/N L/N, she will be joining us for two weeks. Also have you seen Harry and Ron? We haven't seen them ever since we boarded the train." The man who I'm guessing is called Hagrid replied "No I haven't sorry. Don't worry I'm sure they are just already in the Great Hall all ready for the Sorting Ceremony." 

We all had to go to the Great Hall to start the Sorting Ceremony and the Start Of The Term Feast. As I was looking up at the ceiling, admiring the wonderful view I was seeing, I bumped into someone. I completely fell on the ground. Embarrassing.

"Oh. I'm so sorry. Here let me help you." They held out a hand for me. He had brown, silky looking hair, and nice brown eyes. He looked very kind and gentle. I took his hand and got up. "I haven't seen you around before. Let me guess, are you a first year student?" He asked politely.

I answered "No I am actually a second year student but this is my first week. I came to Hogwarts for a trial experience." He nodded and spoke "Ah right. Well I hope you enjoy your few weeks at Hogwarts. Oh and by the way I'm Oliver Wood and I'm in my fifth year."

"I'm Y/N L/N. Please to meet you." I smiled. Oliver seemed like a really friendly guy.  I'm glad that my first night isn't that bad so far except for meeting that Malfoy boy.

I'm pretty sure everyone I met so far are from the book but I can't seem remember anything. Which is unusual...

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