The Start Of Something New

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Right now, I'm at my English class. First period of the day and I am already very exhausted. You wanna know why? It's because I stayed up late rereading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone! But it's worth it! I just love that book! My English teacher is blabbering about his girlfriend and his little vacation they went together. While he's bragging about that I'm just sitting at my desk, reading the second book of the Harry Potter series. I was busy reading when I heard someone call "Y/N L/N!" I looked around the classroom and saw no one. I just shrugged and carried on reading until I heard my name again.

This time I saw these 3 group of kids who are wearing such strange uniform, they were wearing cloaks. Like something that wizards would wear. 'Strange, they seem like the golden trio.' I thought to myself while giggling. My English teacher noticed and asked "Y/N L/N! Anything you will like to share with the class since you have already interrupted me?"

Before I got the chance to respond, the girl from the group of kids approached my teacher and spoke to him, "Excuse me, um professor. I'm Hermione Granger and we really need to talk to Y/N about something. Could we just borrow her for a minute?"

When she said Hermione Granger, I almost fainted. She can't be real, after all she's just a fictional character and why would she be looking for me?

My teacher allowed me to follow them out but only for like few minutes. After I followed the 3 kids out. Hermione started talking to me,
"Okay Y/N, so I'm Hermione Granger and this is Ron Weasley" and she pointed that this red hair, with freckles boy. "And this is Harry Potter"

I looked at Harry. He seemed a bit different then what I imagined by reading the books. He had blue eyes instead of green and wasn't that to skinny and short. Hermione then said while also handing me a letter " The reason we are here is that our school, Hogwarts decided to accept one Muggle student to experience our school for 2 weeks and if you like it, you are able to enroll at our school. So we came to tell you that." I carefully opened the letter and it read:

Dear Miss L/N

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accept to experience our school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for 2 weeks. During those times, you will be learning different spells and magic to change you from a muggle into a witch. If you enjoyed being at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and would like to continue attending please feel free to owl me before your last day on your 2 weeks stay.

Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. Hermione, Ron and Harry will help you there in Diagon Alley.

We are looking forward to be meeting you,
Miss Y/N L/N

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

Hermione then continued "This year is our 2nd year at Hogwarts and I assume you are the same age as us?" I replied excitedly "I am Y/A, so I think I am a 2nd year too! I'm actually so excited to be experiencing my dream school! I'm actually a huge fan of Harry Potter!"

They all gave me confused looks and then Harry asked "I thought you are a muggle, how are you a fan of me? I thought only people in the Wizarding World know about me."

I rolled my eyes and explained " I am a huge fan of you Harry but I'm more of a fan of the Harry Potter Books! There are books about you guys!" They all stared at me with disbelief. So I decided to show them the book I was reading. I went back inside the classroom and to my desk when I found out that....

Hey guys! This is my first ever Fan-Fiction I've ever wrote so it may be pretty bad but hopefully you guys all enjoy reading it! The plot might seem confusing initially but you will eventually understand it!

I hope you all liked the first chapter!
Thank you so much for reading♥️

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