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“Oh my god, did we bring anything to eat or drink?” Seokjin asks as he looks at the large, but not big enough, cage, that three naked males were curled up in. They were all extremely skinny and had infected blood and puss around the animal ears and tails. “I have water in the car, I’ll be back, be careful.”
“Hello,” Seokjin coos, getting on his hands and knees to crawl to the cage so he looks less intimidating. All three heads pop up with wide eyes and perked ears, allowing Seokjin to see what kind of animals they were. He noted that the only issue is that the biggest one was a wolf hybrid and already getting ready to protect the cat and dog. “My name is Seokjin and I want to take care of you.”
The wolf pulls back his lip in a snarl and starts growling, despite the puppy trying to get past him to the eldest. “Jinnie, I got it,” Jungkook whispers, peaking in with a Tupperware and a few bottles of water, “His notes say they haven’t gained their human abilities, yet.” Jungkook adds, sliding the objects forward before exiting so that his boyfriend can do his thing,
“Please, don’t bite me,” Seokjin says and opens the big door, sliding in a little while pouring water into the bowl and pushing it forward. While the puppy and cat go for the water, the wolf continues to stare at Seokjin, showing the eldest his collar. Seokjin takes a deep breath before reaching his hand out, as if a dog and letting him sniff his hand for a moment. “Again, no biting.” Seokjin says sternly before grabbing the collar and looking at the name.
“Namjoon, cool. Now, I know you have your little pack here, but I think you would all be happier at a house with a big yard and all the food you can eat, how does that sound?” Namjoon stares for a moment before laying down with his head on Seokjins lap, making the elder smile, will the others follow you?” Seokjin wonders aloud before noticing how red their necks were from the collars. “First order of business, you aren’t wearing these collars anymore, if you want collars, I will get ones made with appropriate fabric,” Seokjin grumbles, unclipping the collar on Namjoons neck before looking to the others that were still trying to drink the last bits of water, so he made kissing noises to attract their attention, “C’mere, we’re going to go home and get something to eat, okay?” He says and the puppies tail wags before he pounces on Seokjin, licking his face.
“Okay, okay, I get it, are you ready to go,” Seokjin starts, taking off the collar and looking at the name, “Hoseok?” He asks and the puppy licks him again before shaking around. “What about you, kitty?” Seokjin asks, sitting up and reaching for the cat, but frowning when he gets hissed at, “Not nice, come here,” Jin says and tries again, resulting in the cat hybrid growling, but this makes Namjoons head perk up as he growls back, cornering the cat until he submits and army crawls to Seokjin, who coos at the kitty, “Thank you, Joonie!” He says before removing the cat's collar, “And Yoongi, thank you for cooperating. Now, I want you all to follow me so we can go home and I can clean you up.”
“Ready?” Jungkook asks, peaking in and jumping back when Namjoon jumps over Seokjin in a protective stance while growling, “Joonie, no, Jungkook is one of my boyfriends, so let’s go with him, I will sit with you while he drives,” Seokjin says and pats the clean spot of Namjoons head before walking out, the three hybrids crawling after him. Jungkook observes for a moment and nods, putting down the seats and letting Jin get in before helping the hybrids in, ignoring when Yoongi growled at him because one look from Seokjin and he stopped. The three naked hybrids all curl up on Seokjins lap while Jungkook starts driving home, “Yugyeom said the boys never went to sleep and are still waiting for you to come back, so when we go in, they are on the couch right now.”
“Jimin is still awake? He was in baby space when I left,” Seokjin says and Jungkook shakes his head, “Slipped out of it when Yugyeom said you left,” Jungkook sighs and Seokjin nods, “Okay, I guess we will find out how the hybrids do with littles.”

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