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“I don’t want to go to a bar, we only get horny girls, even at the gay clubs!” Seokjin groans as two of his boyfriends try dragging him out of his office after stripping off his tie and jacket, leaving him in grey slacks and a pale pink button up. “Well, we don’t feel like slipping and Jungkook is the only one that ever agrees with your complaints. So since he is busy with the scientist creep case and said he didn’t want me working on it, we are going.”
“Fine! Fine, let’s go and when you get drunk, I will carry you out again so that you can be pissy in headspace the next morning because of the hangover,” Seokjin grumbles, standing up and placing a peck on both of their pouty lips. “Just please, don’t try to put me into subspace on the way home, I almost crashed the car the last time I caved.”

“Chief, we found him,” A low-rank officer says, bursting through the office doors. “Load up, we head out in ten minutes, I don’t know what he has been working on, but make sure we have an ambulance on standby.” Jungkook orders, standing and throwing his bulletproof vest on over his clothes.
As he leaves his office, he stops at the front desk, “Tuan, please call my boyfriends and let them know I will be late and that I am on a case. . . . And maybe order a bouquet of Lily’s so that I have something to apologize to Seokjin with.”

“No, nope, we’re leaving,” Seokjin grumbles, pulling his boyfriends from the club as they whine, “But we wanted to dance~” Jimin whines and Seokjin spins around, forcing each of their chins up, “Listen, you both lied to mommy about wanting to slip, so not only are you in trouble for that, but you both showed yourselves to people that are not me and/or daddy. So we are going home and after your bath, you are going to bed.” Seokjin growls and both boys go straight into little space, sobbing and jumping to wrap Seokjin in a hug, “I’M SORRY MOMMY!” They both exclaim and Seokjin rolls his eyes, carrying them to the car.
“I forgive you, but you are no longer allowed to go clubbing, with or without me,” Seokjin says and they nod in agreeance, though Seokjin knows they are going to say otherwise when they are big again. Right as the eldest started the car, his phone rang and when he saw if was Jungkooks office, he slammed his forehead on the horn before answering, “Did he get shot again, or is he going to be late?”
“He got the creep to talk, so he is on his way to the supposed lab, I will let you know if he gets shot,” Tuan says through the speaker and Seokjin nods with a sigh, “Thanks, am I expecting flowers again?” The chuckles through the phone are answer enough, “Bye, Mark. Tell Jackson and BamBam I said hello.”

“Mommy, when daddy coming home?” Taehyung asks while Jimin gurgles from his adult-sized, baby shower chair. “I don’t know baby, any minute now, I guess. It’s hard to tell, but I think you and I are going to hire some more people and just work from home when needed. Mommy wants to spend more time with his babies and maybe even have a little baby,” Seokjin says and Taehyungs eyes widen, “Mommy have baby in belly?”
“No, sweetie,” Seokjin chuckles, “Mommy wants to, but boys can’t have babies, yet,” Seokjin sighs, rubbing his boyfriend's hair before pulling the plug on the tub, “Time to get into our jammies and then we can go watch a movie!”
“We watch Ironman? Daddy favorite, daddy home,” Taehyung mumbles, crawling out of the tub and letting his mommy wrap him in a towel, before watching as Jimin is swaddled in a towel himself and carried to the poly couples shared bedroom, where there are five king-sized beds, pushed together to make a giant bed so they can all sleep together, “Tae-baby, you want to go pick out jammies for you and Minie?” Seokjin asks and the little nods excitedly, running to the little room with their clothes, toys, and napping cribs.
“Well, Minie, I think tonight, we should watch a movie in bed with warm, vanilla milk, how does that sound?” Seokjin asks, diapering the boy before setting him on his lap in a straddling position, “I’ll take that as approval.” He adds when Jimin places an open mouth kiss on his lips and gurgles, bouncing up and down.
“Mommy, looky!” Taehyung exclaims, holding up two bear onesies and a pair of bear flannel pants with a button up, “Thank you, baby, but I’m gonna wear some shorts and a sweatshirt,” Seokjin says and Taehyung giggles as the towel-clad male start dressing him, “Mommy feels pretty today!” Seokjin nods, happy that even in headspace, his boyfriends accept and understand that the concept of him being a cross-dresser. He doesn’t dress in pretty clothes at work or in public, but when he is home, he prefers the softness of a sundress or leggings and a sweater, that was why they called him mommy, plus, he felt more comfortable with the name.

“Yes, I do, now, please get yourself and your brother dressed so that I can get dressed as well and then I will go make our vanilla milk,” Seokjin says and Taehyung squeals, rushing to get Minie into his onesie while Seokjin pulls some booty shorts from the small dresser before looking around and throwing on one of Jungkooks hoodies. “Tae, do you want a bottle or a sippy cup?” The eldest asks as said boy slides on his onesie, “Bottle, little little.”
Seokjin nods with a smile, helping him onto the bed and under the covers so the two can cuddle under the covers. “I’ll be back and if you feel big enough, Tae, hear is the remote.” The little nods, taking the object and leaning into the peck placed on his forehead before turning on the giant TV on the wall while Seokjin makes his way downstairs to the kitchen.
Right as he has his mug and both of his boy's bottles warmed, he hears the front door open and Jungkook rushes in with his leading officer, Yugyeom, “Seokjin, I need you to come with me, Yugyeom will watch the boys, we have to go, now!” Jungkook exclaims and Jin barely has time to grab his fuzzy boots as he was dragged to the car, “They’re in the bedroom, put on a movie and give them their bottles!” Seokjin yells through the window and Yugyeom nods, heading inside.
“Want to explain?” Seokjin asks and Jungkook sighs, “I’m sorry, babe, but we found his lab and there were three boys in there. I don’t even know how to explain them other than they have animal headspace and have ears and tails growing out of their heads from something they were given” Seokjin stares wide-eyed, “Then why do you need me?”
“They are terrified and you’re the best person I know at calming people, so I want you to try for them and then we can take them to our house. The guy may have been insane, but he was a genius. His notes say that the boys are completely healthy, other than the fact that they haven’t eaten since we caught him and their ears and tails seem to have popped up a few days ago and are infected.”
“Okay, are we allowed to keep them?” Seokjin asks hopefully, he had heard of the hybrid project before it was outlawed. Hybrids were able to make human males internally gender-switch so that they could carry children and it was hybrid instinct to ‘Infect’ certain people. He wanted to be one of those people. But it depended on the hybrid, some of them are  dominant, others were switches and only switches could ‘infect’ a human and if would only happen if they had the desire to impregnate that person.
“Yes, it was either us, or a mental home and I wanted to give them a shot. Plus, we were thinking about getting a puppy, this is about the same, right?”

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