Chapter 3

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~Rip out his ego with your fresh nails~

Sarah and I finished shopping and were on our way to our nail appointment. I was feeling accomplished that I had already started my getting over Alessandro plan. The date was set for this weekend on Saturday and it was Wednesday.

"Can we stop off for some fries at McDonald's?" I asked Sarah just in case she didn't want to be late to the appointment.

"Yes, please. I want some too. You know fries before them damn nails."

I giggled as we pulled in and the guy started speaking.

"Yes, can I have two medium fries and two small strawberry shakes. That'll be all" Crap. It was my taste buds, not me.

"Ok, that'll be $8.96. Pull up to the second window." We pulled up and I gave the dude a 10 and told him, "keep the change."

He lifted one eyebrow and set the bag in my hand then the drink cart in my other hand.

"Ok thanks." He said as he took the money and left.

Why the fuck is he staring at me?

"Sarah do I have something on my face?" I looked over at her to see her staring at the guy weirdly.

"Why the fuck did he give you that look? No, you're poppin bitch." She responded while looking at my makeup.

That was weird as fuck.

"Ok girly we have to get the fuck going!! Pick a song for the way." I announced as she plugged the Aux cord into her phone and turned up Home With You by Madison Beer.

By the time it was over we were parked and unbuckled.

"Is it weird that I think I'm going on a date with Alessandro instead of Isaac?" Is it. It so is. I'm never going to get over Alessandro and that's the reality of this.

"Zeinab, you still have feelings for him but you need to go on this date just in case these feelings you are feeling are temporary." She looked me in my eyes as she said this and honestly it calmed me down.

You know that gush of air you get when you open a door fast. That's what happened except I was engulfed in fumes from the nail polishes being opened all around the salon.

I went straight to our favorite, Aki, she's the cutest lady.

"Hey Aki, how are you doing today?" I asked in a sing-song voice as we approached her.

"Oh hello, Zeinab and Sarah. I am doing good. What about you two?" She was learning English from her daughter who's 6.

"We're great. Thanks for asking Aki. I am surprising Sarah with her nail design. Is it ok if you follow the nail design off of a sketch?" Sarah didn't know about me choosing her design.

She looked at me confused yet excited.

"Yes, I can. Also, How's Ashton?" Aki loves Ashton. She sees Ashton and Sarah marrying in the soon future and honestly I do too. I'm pretty sure Ashton wants to do it now but he wants Sarah to graduate before she stresses about wedding preparations.

He really is in love with her. I hope to find my Ashton even though, I fear I might have but I'm not his Sarah.

That was really confusing but all I remember today was English class. We were learning about poetry but the deeper meaning about romance in poetry. Sarah and Ashton were being really lovey-dovey in that class. I don't blame them. All the hidden meanings about love like 'love looks not with the eyes but with the mind and therefore it is winged Cupid painted blind', had Sarah and Ashton written all over it.

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