Chapter 9

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~We all broke our rules for someone~

I packed excessively. I couldn't be too careful. I packed a range of ostentatious clothes to shrouding clothes.

I could go to a funeral or a club. Either one, I'm set.

"Hey, could I use your olive green v-neck? I thought it would complete my outfit more instead of the grey frocketed shirt." Sarah poked her head into my room as she was going through her clothes she already packed.

I looked up—hair flying everywhere— then answered with the most panic-filled voice.

"I need it for the black jeans and brown booties. Maybe you could use the olive green bomber?" I suggested as I continued to fold and shove. I became a robot as I continued this method without missing a beat.

"Oouuu! Thanks! Great Idea." She fast walked to the closet and yanked the hanger off the rack, her method rough yet perfectly working.

My mom approved the spring break trip idea which is now a plan in action. Sarah's mom was on board as soon as she heard Ashton was gonna be with her along with me. Sarah's mom adores Ashton. To be honest, I think she's been working with Ashton on an engagement plan. Sarah is always mentioning her mom referring to Ashton as her son from time to time.

What is with our mom's loving our, dare I say, boyfriends too much?

I've hung out with Alessandro every day this week and people are starting rumors about me. It's pretty sad they haven't caught the drift of our HEALTH CLASS STRICTLY PARTNERS situation.

Yup. Alessandro and I had a long ass chat about what love meant and if we were in it. It took us all night and when we finally agreed that we should just be friends.

It was horrible but I didn't hear "just friends". I heard, "I think we'll just have to be secretly in love with each other and leave it at that".

I think I have hearing problems.

I realized I paused my automatic fold and shove and started staring at a picture of Alessandro. I quickly got back to work, shaking away every thought infested with the likes of Alessandro.

He was in my every thought. When I showered, when I ate, when I acted in drama, when I was staring into his mesmerizing emerald green eyes. He was everywhere without being anywhere.

I couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching me so I looked around noticing the curtains were still pulled back from this morning of a rage-filled Sarah torturing me with a pillow and sunlight.

She found out I ate her leftovers from Papa Joe's. Joe cooks the greatest burgers and I ate the rest of hers. She was pretty pissed off at me until I told her I'd get her the finest burger at Papa Joe's right after I got dressed.

She made me watch her eat it.

She's evil. Do not eat her burger.

Closing the curtains I looked outside only to notice a very familiar car. A Mercedes C-Class Sedan.

I was wearing a red stretchy short and long sleeve cropped shirt set. I slid on my rhinestone embellished slides and walked out the door to greet my old friend.

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Zeinab." He breathed out. He looked like a wreck. His shirt was half tucked and some buttons were missing, his eyes were bloodshot from crying while his hair was disheveled yet the only part of him that looked kinda good, his 5-o-clock shadow was becoming an infectious beard.

"Isaac?" I not only questioned his appearance but his random act of showing up at my house.

"I just wanted to see you again. It's been awhile." I cringed as I heard his voice strain to speak as if he'd been yelling all day.

"It's only been a month," I whispered. I knew time could change someone but not this much.

"It seems like decades. Look, I just wanted to hear your voice again. I promise to leave but can you just say one thing. I know you don't mean it but please. I really need it. Just lie to me. It'll make it better." His voice was full of hope but melancholy all at once. I felt the need to give him what he wanted.

"Anything," I muttered loud enough for his ears to drink it in.

"I need you to say, I miss you and I love you. Right in my ear." Isaac walked closer and put his hand on the side of my face. He smelt of bourbon and vanilla lotion. I got him that lotion.

"I don't kno-" I cut myself off as soon as I saw the light drain from his eyes. "I miss you, Isaac," I paused to add dramatic effect, "I love you, Isaac," I whispered these words in a voice like honey into his ear. Cheek against cheek, I felt him manage a small smile.

"I know the words you speak are false but I just needed to hear them even if they would damage my ever-living soul." We stood there in the same position until someone honked at us.

I looked up and my eyes wanted to widen but instead, they remained dull. I leaned my head of Isaac's shoulder as I stared at them.

I wasn't going to deny I did in fact miss the sweet scent of Isaac's shampoo laced in my pillows.

Ashton and Alessandro sat there for a while, the car idling while the gas ran out.

I realized I couldn't stand there the entire time. I turned to Isaac and whispered in his ear, "I should get going."

He nodded and got in his car not leaving till I was in the house. Before I walked in the house I yelled out, "We'll be out in ten!"

I walked in telling Sarah what happened as we zipped our bags and brushed our hair then walked out.

I finished just as we got to the car.

To say Sarah was shook was an understatement. She was quaking.

The boys got out and helped us with our bags. I stayed silent while Sarah caught up with Ashton. My arm brushed Alessandro's but it only ignited a stare off for a minute.

I got in the back with Alessandro and let myself relax. I was ok. I was confused but ok.

I felt disconnected from myself. As if I was meeting myself for the first time and found myself to be too sketchy to hang out with.

I think I just needed a nap. So that's what I did. I let my eyebrows unfurrow and my muscles lose tension.

I fell asleep.

On Alessandro.

But don't worry, he did too. Which left Sarah and Ashton to talk and gush over how cute of a couple we would be.

I was half asleep, not deaf.

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