Chapter 20: Beeping Noises and Defibrillators

Start from the beginning

I felt a warm hand touch mine, as I tried to hold back. "Stay strong babe. We need you here." I heard Andie sob. I heard the girls leave the room. Then Andie spoke to me. "Every single thing we have been together has just been incredible. We all want to take you out for coffee, but I dont think you can. I remember countless sleepovers, and even the first time we met." she paused as if remembering it. I remembered it. "I walked into the high school and walked over to my new locker. Someone had ran over to me and I was really shocked. You were wearing skinny jeans. I remember because I was jealous. You started talking to me about TV shows and I literally thought you were crazy. A week later we were over at each other's houses every night. Then a show called X-Factor came on. We saw an audition from a boy named Harry Styles. Then countless others and cried when our favorite got voted off. Then we screamed out heads off when they were paired together as a boyband. We had followed One Direction every step of the way. If you dont make it through this... I want you to know you are a sister to me. I love you with all of my heart and will never forget anything about you. From your addictions to coffee, to your love of kangaroos and your dream of visiting Australia. I wish I took you. I am sorry for all of the fights we had but I will never be hating on everytime we made up because it only made us closer."

I tried to fight it and say something. I attempted to say, "I love you too Andie." but nothing came out. I heard one more pair of footsteps come into the room.

A husky voice roughly spoke out. Quiet, but understandable. "Can I speak to her alone?" Andie must have left because all sounds were mute except for the constant beeping. I heard a chair being moved. I listened intently for sounds but came up with nothing.

"Hello love." My hazza bear broke the silence. "You have heard from everyone. Now it's my turn." he grabbed my hand in his. "I dont know if you are going to make it. I want you to choose what you want. Everyone would love for you to come back. I am not sure if you get a choice, like a 'y' in the road or what ever, but if you want to go... you can." he started to cry once more. "I remember these past few months and will forever remember them. I have never felt this way about anyone. I love you so much." I felt warm wet lips touch my forehead. I wanted to grab his hair in my hands and pull him closer. I wanted to kiss him one last time. I finally felt some nerve get accpeted as my hand twitched. He gasped... but it was the last sound I heard before the beeping rang out and all I heard was a faint yell. My hazza bear, I love you.

Harry's POV

I gasped as her finger twitched. "Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep...." I was pushed out of the room with only one memory left of her.

"Kasey!!" I yelled as doctors pulled me out of the room. I knew she was gone. The defibrillator wouldn't work. I slid down the wall outside her hospital room. A doctor came out a few minutes later and shook his head. More tears spilled out. Everyone came down the hall as they probably head my scream. The ran over and pulled me off the ground. We huddled around as another doctor walked down the hallway. "I should have held onto her hand, and never let her go." I cried.

"I am terribly sorry about Miss Falcone. I wanted to inform you about Zayn and Chelsea. It seems they are improving. I am afraid Julia will not make it...." she drifted. I sighed with a hint of relief. Two out of four would make it. I only wish they all could. We walked down the hallway to Julia's room. She was hooked up to even more monitors than Kasey, which definetly told us she would not make it. Apparently Zayn's new mustang hit Kasey and Julia's side. We huddled around her bed, knowing she too would hear us.

"Hey Julia, it's Dani and the rest of the gang. We wanted to let you know that Kasey did not make it in the car accident. Chelsea and Zayn are improving, but there is not way of knowing when they will come out of their own coma. Listen, we want yo to fight as much as you can. But if you cant try any harder it is ok if you go. We told Kasey the same thing. She just couldn't fight any longer. You are in the worst condition out of all four of ya, so you have the worst battle to be in. We have all gotten so close, it is hard to let go. So in case you dont want to fight any longer we are going to say good bye. We all love you." We all walked over. I was the first one to kiss her cheek and I squeezed her fingers. Liam followed and putan arm around my shoulder as we walked out with the rest of the guys. All of the girls except Andie did and she stayed in the room by herself.

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