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AFTER A CAREFUL SERIES OF twisting and weaving through the eerily empty hallways- now clear with students flooding into the Great Hall for the Yule Ball- they finally encountered the stairway into hell, also known as the Slytherin dungeons

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AFTER A CAREFUL SERIES OF twisting and weaving through the eerily empty hallways- now clear with students flooding into the Great Hall for the Yule Ball- they finally encountered the stairway into hell, also known as the Slytherin dungeons. 

Beside her, it was obvious that Scorpius was giddy to return. 

"Ah," he sighed heavily. "I miss my bed."

A shadow moved across the wall. Rose found her hand lunging out to clutch onto nearest thing next to her which coincidentally happened to be Scorpius' forearm. 

She held a finger to her lips, tilting her head back to motion that they should blend into the shadows around the corner.

From the upper chambers of the staircase came Maryse Zabini, dressed in an all black cape with a hood, two potions in hand, one empty and another full. Beneath the flaps of the hood, she could see the hem of the maroon dress crafted by Bernice. 

Suspicions proved correct! 

Maryse was behind the pureblood threats. It made sense, she was the only one who protested the idea of Rose staying in the Slytherin dungeon. And she obviously had contempt against other Slytherins who weren't on her side. She also wasn't a pureblood herself- her father was Blaise Zabini but her mother was Gemma Farley, who had a Muggle ancestor.

Rose's blood ran cold when a floating body draped with a white cloth floated down the staircase.  From beside her, she heard Scorpius suck in a breath. 

The body was laid on the coffee table, right in the space Rose often saw Scorpius curl up in a chair with Albus and Thea at each other's throat on the sofa perpendicular to his seat. That same sofa was blocking their view from the other potion being popped open as the sheet drew back.

A slight whimper that made Rose's heart clench echoed in the silent dungeon as Maryse forced the victim to drink the potion. A thud against the coffee table had her believe that the victim was either dead or passed out. She hoped it was the latter. 

Rose felt Scorpius reach for her wand, tucked in the back of her dress. Her hand shot up to grab his wrist near her neck, eyes glaring daggers into his cloud ones.

Not yet!

His returning glare was a challenge to her order, but after a heartbeat, he relinquished his hold on the wand. Rose messily tried to place it back into her dress, but lost her grip.

The floating body lifted as Maryse sat up and guided the body out of the empty dungeons and into the corridor.

Immediately Scorpius darted down the dungeon stairs to the boys' chambers, tossing out a hissed command from around the stairwell to keep an eye on Maryse.

Rose kept her back pressed up against the adjacent wall near the entrance to the Slytherin dungeons. She wasn't taking any risks for Maryse to notice her. 

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