Chapter one

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The start of my new life

Valerie's POV

Thirteen years ago

I still remember the day like it was yesterday. The woman who was holding me in her arms left me by some doorstep, and planted an irritating kiss on my forehead before leaving. It was very cold and I cried the entire night there.

A woman then opened the door, and carried me inside the house, and since then, that place I had called home.

I was one of the oldest girls at St Carlos Orphanage, meaning that the little ones looked up to me. Mrs Wayne, the woman who took care of us, was not a very nice person. She never liked us, though she took us under her wing. I guessed that she was being paid to do the job, but since she was the only adult here, we decided to call her Mom.

And to be frank, she hated that. She clearly hated it. But we called her that anyway, just to piss her off.

One night, as I was sleeping, I had this unnerving feeling. It just wouldn't go away. I knew something was going to happen tomorrow, I just knew it. It was a gut feeling. I drifted off to sleep, with this on my mind.

Someone shook me out of the land of dreams. I opened my eyes to see an extremely happy Mrs Wayne, teeth showing and everything.

"Wake up, you. Someone's coming to take you."

So, this was why I had that feeling?

I was being adopted. Every time, when a girl reached the age of thirteen, they were adopted. I turned thirteen three months ago.

"Morning, Mom"

Her smile disappeared and it was replaced by a scowl.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me mother?"

I looked down with a smirk on my face. I went to the bathroom and had a quick shower. I took out one of my best dresses, and donned it on my body. As I was growing up, I came to the conclusion that I had a big body. I didn't eat much but that was how I was. I was not fat, but my body was just big. Weird right? The dress was green and it was loose on my body.

I hadn't felt at home here so I really didn't feel that feeling of detachment from the place. I quickly packed my clothes, and they were little enough to accommodate a satchel.

I walked towards Mrs Wayne's house, looking to see if the person had arrived. When I got there, I sat on a stool, waiting patiently outside. She did not like it when we got into her house because she felt as if we were getting in her business and invading her private space.

As I was looking out into space, I heard a very unfamiliar voice calling me


I looked up and saw a woman who appeared to be in her early thirties looking down at me with utter admiration and joy

"You are pretty, exactly like the picture!"

A blush slowly crept up on my face, and I couldn't help but look down. No one had ever really called me pretty.

"Thank you, ma'am"

She let out a small laugh

"Oh honey, you're so adorable. From now on, I'm your mother. Call me Mom. But people call me Mrs Williams"

I was shocked. I was pretty sure the woman saw it on my face, because she suddenly had a pitiful expression on her beautiful face. This just made me look at her overrally.

It seemed as if she was coming from work, because of the suit she was wearing. The suit showed off her beautifully curved body. Her blonde hair was done in a professional looking bun.

She gave me the most sweetest embrace I'd ever had. I then thought that maybe if I had my mother, maybe the embraces would be as nice and comforting as this one. I made that little feeling go down. I had a mother now and I should be happy.

I took my bag and I followed her. We got to this very nice looking car, and I was not sure what it was called. All I knew was that it had a great color and that it was beautiful. When we got in, the car seats just felt so comfortable, they were even better than the beds we slept in at the orphanage.

We were now going down the street, towards the town. When we got in town, the buildings were so big I wondered how they didn't fall down. I looked back at mom and I saw that her face was filled with amusement at the way I was acting, looking at those big beautiful tall buildings.

Once we made it out of town, we got into this other road that lead us deep into the forest. I was shocked to see houses in such a dense area. All the houses were so nice and beautiful, and the area was sparsely populated.

When we got to the house, I felt like we were entering a castle. The house was just so big and regal, that I felt like a pest that wanted to get into the place where I wasn't welcome.

The inside part of the house was just breathtaking. It took my breath away. I just felt like I was going into one of those fairytale book castles that I saw that always seemed to fascinate me. Everything was there, the expensive looking vases, the oil painting, the big huge chandeliers in each and every room, the well polished tiled floor. I just wanted to shrink and disappear. With what I was wearing and where I was, I felt like I did not belong.

When we got into the sitting room, I saw a man who was reading his newspaper.

"Honey, we're home"

The man looked up at his wife with pure indifference. Then he looked at me. His eyes suddenly shone. He stood up and came in front of me. He kneeled down on one knee and grasped my shoulders.

"Hi, Valerie. I'm your new Daddy."

I smiled at him

"Hi, Daddy"

His eyes turned a shade darker. How is that even possible? He cupped my cheek with his big hand.

"You truly are very pretty."

I looked down. What was it with the compliments??

"Thank you"

He then stood up, kissed his wife goodbye and left the room. Mom showed me my room and when she left, I flopped onto the bed and quickly jerked myself up. I was sure that I was filthy, I had to bath.

After my shower, I went to my bag and looked for something to sleep in. I became an explorer, opening and closing doors. Then I came across a walk in closet. It already had clothes. I saw nightwear and I wore that instead.

As I went between the soft and expensive feeling sheets, I had the best sleep I'd ever had in all my life. The bed was just so comfortable and way bigger that that in which I slept in at the orphanage. I closed my eyes, happiness just glowing inside me.

I now had a family. I was now at home.

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