Waking Up ? (Optional chapter)

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'Ah fuck.' Ace screamed in dream. 'Wait...But if I know I'm screaming this wouldn't be a dream. Okay I'm yelling to myself mentally? Fuck everywhere hurts. Even my brain hurts. How is that possible?Oh god so so sore. Well that throws opening my eyes out the window it would take another millennium to make that happen and I'm I pretty sure my mouth muscles are sore to the point not wanting to eat. So no yelling. Damn. I'm hungry. So so hungry. Okay I think my stomach is eating itself. Why I am even talking to myself? Is that normal. Not normal. God damn I'm hungry, maybe hangry.I DON'T KNOW. Oh shit. Where the fuck am I.'

While Ace was having a mental breakdown the rest of the crew was in the dinning hall partying their way through dinner.

"Crocus why hasn't the boy waken up yet?" asked the impatient Captain.

" It's only been a couple of days. Normal people don't recover from death that fast. And maybe if I had better supplies and better assistants he would be awake." Said Crocus in a snarky remark.

"Looks like the kids are rubbing off on you Crocus"
Said another crew member.

"Sure does. Gahaha!" Said another " I see more of a Buggy wouldn't you say"

"Doc you saying I ain't normal. I rose from the dead in two days."

" Yeah and I started partying only 12 hours after my death."

" Only because of my work. Dumb asses."crocus replied taking another swig of the rum. "and you weren't even fucking dead. You morons"

Drunk, lively, loud and happy the crew kept partying till morning. When daybreak showed the first rays of sun Roger stared over his family. Boy were they gonna have such a hangover but they were so peaceful at the moment everybody was still asleep. The sounds of snoring could be heard through out the ship. This was the life. So when a sudden thud followed by a shattering of glass and then a groan he knew trouble was brewing. Roger went to the med bay to checked it out. Whitebeard's boy managed to puke everywhere, break bottles of medicine and then pass out before even making it out the door. He was close though. Almost halfway to the exit. Roger put the boy back onto the bed and went to grab the doc.

'Gotta tell Crocus to tie the bastard up next time.' And making a mental note of that he went to wake up his crew.
Finally mustering up the strength to open his eyes. Ace noticed he was in a strange room. Medicine bottles stack on the various shelves with books strewn about and many other supplies which suggest he was in a doctor's room. Well whoever stitched him up did I a pretty good job. He wasn't dying but he still hurt like hell. Slowly getting up a sudden rock  made his stomach drop. Ace recognized this movement he was on a ship.

BLAAARGH!!! He threw up the little that was in his stomach everywhere.

He was on a unknown ship and he had no control of his body. The only logical thing that runs through his mind is escaping. Another rock and his legs fall out on him. He grabs onto a shelf for stability but he only manages to break the thing.

"Oh god" Ace whispered to himself as he attempts to get to get door before passing out.

Next thing he knows feels someone carrying him back into the bed. And a strange feeling washed over him. Back when he was still living with Luffy, Garp came to visit them. And at that time Ace got extremely sick but he refused any help because "only idiots catch colds." He passed out while trying to catch some birds in a tree. But luckily Luffy with his gum gum powers caught him before he fell to hard. Garp came running over when he heard Luffy crying. As Luffy tried to catch Ace, he also fell down. He did break some of their fall though but not enough. Ace got a dislocated arm and Luffy a few bruises and scratches nothing new. He didn't cry because of the pain he cried because he thought Ace had died. Garp carried the two back in his arms. With semi conscious he heard the quite sobbing of his brother next to him and felt the slow throbbing pain in his arm which made the warmth of his family all the more welcome.
Lol! I wrote this chapter but I forgot I wrote it so it doesn't really flow with the story but it does add some depth to Ace and Roger.

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