“Ohmygod!” We both said together.

“I was drunk!” He burst.

“I picked you up!”

We both stared at each other for a second before he let me go and I flopped back on the bed, rubbing my face. Oh, thank God…I remember… “Ahhh, God…” I breathe, staring at the ceiling. No worries. I’m clean. Sebastian and I didn’t do the nasty last night…Noooo, freaking worries…

“Whoohooo…” Sebastian hoots under his breath. “That was scary.” He says, turning his head to look at me. I frown.

“Get off the bed, this is too weird again.” I mutter. He sees how similar this was to how we woke up and he promptly rolls off the bed. He digs his elbows into the mattress as he rubs his face. “Gave me a heart attack…” He murmurs.

You?” I snarl. “I wake up to see some giant, half naked, bed-intruder taking up more than half the mattress, and I immediately wonder when the hell you raped me!”

He snorts and crosses his arms over his chest. “Psht. Don’t be so dramatic. But I was about gonna shit a brick when I see your pantslessness… and you wearing my shirt…”

“Actually my shirt.”

“Whatever,” He dismissively flaps a hand. “It was scary enough to look over and realize that the person that was all snuggled up to me was in fact, a Psycho.”

“I was not snuggling up to you! You were takin’ up a fucking lot of the bed!”

Sebastian stands up and gestures at himself. “Well, that’s what happens when you squish a six foot five linebacker onto a single-person bed.”

“It’s a twin.”

“Barely a difference.” He says, crossing his arms over his chest again, making me finally connect the dots that if he’s only in his boxers, he’s fairly naked. Oh shit…I’m finally awake enough to remember last night, and I remember being all antsy about Sebastian being shirtless in the dark…Now it’s morning, and relatively bright, and whoooaa Nelllyyy…

My face feels like it’s gonna burn off again as I realize that Sebastian is pretty darn fucking gorgeous. I can’t help but check him out quickly, and hot dang he’s beautiful! All perfect muscle, abs, pecs, biceps… My eyes meet Sebastian’s and he gives me this awful smirk.

“Regretting you that weren’t snuggling up on me this morning?”

My face darkens ten shades. “Hell no!” Fuck yeah…

He chuckles and then looks around, his eyes absently scanning my room. For my sixteenth birthday, my mom insisted that we redo my room, and I agreed. Not that I really cared. I suppose the plain old boring eggshell white walls and ugly flowered comforter needed replacing, but I was surprised at the extent my mother went.

She insisted I pick the colors, and I admittedly went for purple, because…well, I guess I like purple. Light lavender walls, deep purple laced curtains, a purple and white striped comforter and a purple shag rug in front of my vanity. Plus a purple lamp shade.

“Purple, huh,” He said as he absentmindedly rubbed his stomach, drawing my attention to his amazing abdominals.

“What’d you expect?” I say as I tear my eyes from him. Don’t look don’t look, it’s not worth the humiliation of getting caught…

He shrugs as he picks up a bottle of my favorite Bath and Body Works perfume on my vanity, ‘Carried Away’. “I dunno,” He says. “Books everywhere…Albert Einstein posters…maybe some Pythagorean Theorem wallpaper…” He gives me this mischievous little grin that gives my heart a stutter.

I'm The Geek Who Slapped A Football Player.Where stories live. Discover now