New Roads! Chapter 7

Start from the beginning


"Yes but only this time. Now, where is the armory?"

"First door to the right is a small one, the second one has some outside materials for cold nights. First door to the left is a dormitory, and the second one is a bathing room."

"Your map has been updated: you can now see the old forest ruins bandit camps Armoury #1, closet #1, dormitory #1, and bathing room #1."

"Okay, then what?"

"The corridors splits and goes in three directions. The left has two small rooms full of farming material, then the farm at the end..."

"Anything else?"

"Behind! Behind the farm, there is a room where we stash everything we steal!"

"Your map has been updated: you can now see the Bandits camp's closet #2 & #3 and the treasure room."

"What about the right side of the ruins?"

On the left side is a dormitory, a bathing room, another dormitory, the dining hall, kitchen and storage room, on the right side three dormitories."

At this point, the men had lost any will to lie and kept telling me everything I wanted. At some point, I looked at my map and saw that the ruins formed an approximate plus sign. The right was composed of the living quarters, the left of a farm, however that worked underground, and the opposite direction had the chiefs room, big meeting hall, a second armory, storage, and one last dormitory. Then there was the big wooden door leading to the last bandit camp.

A howl made me turn my head and I saw from above the treetops at the East a giant pillar of black smoke rising to the sky.

The first camp has been taken care off.

I turned back to the man who had also seen the smoke and said: "Thank you for answering my questions. It was a pleasure to have talked to you and I sincerely regret to have to shorten our meeting like this however this is a busy morning for me so I will now leave you in my friends care. Goodbye!"

Nathan and I gave the two outlaws to the second group of men and I shared my updated map to the three (3) other team leaders.

The first team leader talked first, his unit was mainly composed of close-range fighters. 

"Me and my men will be right behind Ben's unit, clearing the dormitories until the crossroad. There we will take care of the dormitories on the right side of the tunnels. With that sleeping smoke, there should be no trouble."

"What about the kitchen and food storage?"

"I will have men inventory it all as soon as we cleared our side of the tunnels."

"Good enough."

"My unit will stay behind and guard your rear, as planned before."

"Mine will push forward to the other entry and take over the wooden gates. We will close them from the inside, leaving the Bandits to fend for themselves on the outside."

I took a moment to think then decided.

"Me and my group will first stay here to take care of the storage, then go to the dining halls and recuperate anything worthy. We will then switch to the left side. The farm supplies could be useful and we might find the lords belongings in the small treasure room. Once we are done here we will go to the chief's room. He should be keeping a few interesting things there."

"Very well."

"Let's move."

By the time all four (4) teams had gone inside the tunnel, a second pillar of black twirling smoke was rising to the skies.

Fantasy World Online I: New RoadsWhere stories live. Discover now