Five: Daejeon (대전)

Start from the beginning

Before you was a tall, expansive wooden wall, which you assumed encased the royal city. The top was speckled with guard towers and you saw archers paying close attention to your incoming entourage.

The road you were traveling along was leading directly toward a sizeable set of gated doors surrounded by several armor-clad guards wielding menacing spears and swords. You felt your carriage come to a halt as the front of the party arrived at the tall entryway. Leaning out your window a bit further, you watched as your uncle addressed a particular sentry in Goryean language and handed them a scroll.

The man listened attentively as your uncle spoke before unrolling the scroll and reading its contents. He looked up to another soldier to his right, giving him a curt nod. The second guard gave a sharp shout and the next thing you heard was booming crack of the city gates being opened to allow your party entry.

Your heart beat quickened with anticipation as the large doors opened slowly, giving you a view of the city within. As the men, horses, and wagons lurched forward, you were barely able to keep the giddy squeal inside your throat. It was time for your to be professional, but you were just too excited.

As your carriage passed through the city opening, you noticed the guards looking curiously at you through the window opening. Some murmured to each other, others grinned and elbowed the soldiers next to them playfully.

"Show respect to the Princess (Y/N)! The Princess of France!" you heard Michault's voice announce loudly from the front of your carriage in Goryean.

The men formerly smiling began to gasp and dropped their bodies into a deep bow, reverent to your presence.

Once into the city, you were completely overwhelmed by the crowd that had gathered to view your arrival to the palace.

Rows of citizens lined the sides of the road your carriage was following. Unlike the boisterous crowds you were used to back home, this gathering was rather docile. The citizens whispered and bowed deeply as you passed by, you smiled and bowed your head back in return. The hordes lined your entire journey from the gates to the large, but not as massive, second wall surrounding the imperial palace.

This gateway opened immediately to grant you passage into the royal courtyard. Your eyes widen and mouth dropped at the sight of the large, exquisite palace. The unique architectural style was something you have never before witnessed. Although you did not expect the building to look exactly like your own home in Paris, you didn't expect it to be so drastically different.

The large courtyard was covered in square-shaped, polished tan stones mosaicked in the ground. The lined field lead toward a similarly laden double stairway to a raised platform, on top of which, the palace sat. The center of the royal building was a two level structure with long single story wings that extended to each side. The roof top was formed in a striking pagoda style and colored black while the wooden building laying underneath were painted in the most flamboyant style. Deep reds, attractive turquoise, and royal blues along with exuberant detailing and carvings on all the woodwork.

The palace itself was the most beautiful place you had ever seen.

Your carriage pulled to a stop before Michault rushed to your door and pulled it open. Taking a deep breath, you took his hand and eased yourself out of the wagon, stepping onto the stone ground.

"We wait here until the royal guard fetches comes to take you to your temporary rooms," he whispered as you practically shook in excitement next to him.

He glanced over at you when you did not answer, grinning once he saw you wide eyes taking in the astonishing sight before you.

"Do you like the palace, Princess?" he chuckled.

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