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My love
It drips from my lips like syrup
But never reaches the ground
I taste it

Everyday it fills me with an overwhelming sweetness I enjoy
A sweetness anyone can tire from but I don't

I return to this drink like a drunk to his liquor
Like a zombie to the smell of flesh

I find my hands reaching
My eyes
Seeking you
From a blank mind
These actions are second nature.

But my hands do not touch you
My lips are too slow to kiss you
This syrupy love drowns me without ever reaching my lungs
I can't breathe in
And breathe out the words I wish to tell you for fear you will not like the taste of this kind of love

I fear you'll notice the differences in flavour
Mine from yours
And ask why my love is not like your love
That love is love is love
Why can't my love be love?

I fear you'll break the bottle
And have me poured out
Golden brown glistening in the sun

Couldn't I have just been sweet enough to drink
But not too much to make you choke?

I give you small doses
Not enough to leave an after taste but enough to let you know you had something
But I can tell now even that is fading.

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