just for you

7 2 0

I'm tempted to erase those messages
I wrote many nights ago
Like the ones
I write
And erase
And write right now

It was late
It's always late when we talk


I need that high
From the night's liquor

To loosen my tongue
My mind
Unravels for you

The bravado is long gone
Having slipped from my hands
I have nothing to cover myself with

These notes were for you

And this night before I sleep
Regret plays "Your actions, your words"
On repeat

So I'm left with this tune

"What if he shows his friends?"

My soul is too raw, hard to digest.
I served my feelings with pepper
Thought you would bring the salt
And dive into this meal


You only tasted with your "hi's"
And "Hello's"
And "goodbye's"

I was so hoping you knew
The parts I had given
So together the puzzle would fall in place
With yours to fill up the space

But we're missing each other
Or I guess it's only me missing you

Erasing messages
You'll never view.

Author's note

Thank you so much for reading my work. I'm writing this and it's almost one but it came to mind and had to be put to paper.
Anyways no matter how bad the writing, I appreciate whoever came back. Would love if you shared your views and vote.

But if it made you feel nothing...I don't mind you being a ghost.

Thank you again.

                                        Love Velorah

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