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Their hands brushed a little as they went to pick up a file.

They stopped.

They looked.

They felt.

Then hastily removed their eyes, their contact still lingering.

With rosy cheeks, Arthit went back to his cabin. And with a playful smirk, Kongpob went back to his cabin.


Arthit could feel the gaze upon him as they watched a presentation.

It was like invisible hands caressing him.

It was cool and burning at the same time.

Soft and urgent at the same time.

Passionate and loving at the same time.

An unfamiliar feeling started at the pit of his stomach. Which soon spread throughout his body like a forest fire.

He was on fire.

He turned back to look at the smouldering eyes of Kongpob.

They were smouldering and consuming.

Arthit gulped.

He wanted to be consumed.


Kongpob followed Arthit as he walked in front of him.

The distance was not too far and not too close. It was perfect. For a predator.

He was hunting his prey down.

Today, he would ravish him.

No more dilly dallying.

And Arthit. More than a prey, he was like a predator who was luring his prey into his den.

But does it matter?

He glanced back at Kongpob and smiled. It was an invitation.

An invitation to enter into a sinful and pleasurable world.

He opened the door and entered. Kongpob shortly following.

Their perfume, lingering in the corridor and mixing.

Soon to be permanently mixed.


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