Midnight Secret

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Groggily Arthit made his way to the canteen, which was at the ground floor of his dormitory.

Slowly, he descended the stairs. For some reason, he had gotten this alarm set in his body clock, to crave a sweet drink in the middle of the night. And no, it was not regular, just sometimes, once or twice a week.

Sure he could buy some and keep it in his room, which would prevent this nightly crawl. But his gluttonous roommate had this habit of eating or drinking anything kept inside the room. Hence, this visit to the vending machine.

Tonight he felt like drinking pink milk. He took one and sipped it. He sighed contently.

Nothing feels better than drinking pink milk at night. Particularly after a stressful day.

As he turned back to return to his room, he almost got a fright as he saw a lone figure sitting on one of the chairs in the canteen. And he almost dropped his pink milk.

That person looked dazed, and that made him look all the more scary.

Hurriedly, Arthit went back to his room.


It was three nights later that Arthit felt the need to drink something sweet again at the middle of the night.

He was still deciding on what to drink as he entered the cafeteria and was scared again as he saw the figure sitting there again.

Oh!! He had almost forgotten about him.

But this time, that boy was listening to some music on his headphones, so he looked more humane, and Arthit concluded that he was a human.

He sighed in relief, picked a drink, and with one last glance, he went back.


Since then, Arthit saw him everytime he went to get a drink. That boy would be either listening to music, reading or working on his laptop or just simply sitting.

That made Arthit wonder, was he suffering from insomnia?

One such night, as Arthit was observing him, one daring thought entered his mind. He had already gathered several things about him. He was a freshman, named Kongpob and went by the name Kong. Economics dept. A handsome fellow and popular too. A good student and a perfect gentleman.

Collecting another drink, he made his way towards Kong, and took a seat in the next table.

Gathering his courage, he spoke,

"Hey Kong"

Surprised, Kong looked at him and smiled his breathtaking smile and took Arthit's breath away.

"Hi P'Arthit"

Blushing a little, Arthit blinked stupidly,

"You know me?"

"Who doesn't?"

Arthit was surprised, he was popular?


"You know me too"

"Who doesn't?", Arthit answered back.

"Here, for you", Arthit said again, extending the iced coffee to him.

And for the second time that night, Kongpob looked surprised, and if Arthit dared to say, blushed too.

Smiling shyly, he accepted the drink.

From then on, Arthit's irregular nightly visits, became a regular affair.


For some reason, Arthit has kept the matter a secret. He had told none of his friends about his and Kongpob's friendship.

And Arthit had thanked the god numerous times for making his roommate a heavy sleeper. And even if he was awake rarely, he was aware of Arthit's habit.

And With each passing night, Arthit's seat changed, from the next table, to the same table, to the next seat.

But lately, this curiosity was bugging Arthit very much. Kongpob was looking paler than usual and his dark circles were getting darker.

Just what was his problem? Why couldn't he sleep? Can he help?

One night, he finally asked him,


"Yes P'Arthit?"

"Are you suffering from insomnia?"


"Have you taken help?"


"What!! Why? Do you know the reason?"

"I do"

"What is it? Tell me. Can I help?"

"....... . "

"Kong please"

Kong sighed, then resolutely looked at him in the eye and said,

"It's you"


"The cause of my insomnia"


"Ever since the first night i saw you, I couldn't sleep at night. So I kept coming here every night, hoping to see you. And then you came and talked to me. It only worsened the matter because it made me want more. More of you. Now I don't know what to do"



"You don't have a roommate right?"


"You don't right?"



"Huh? Where?"

"To your room ofcourse. Maybe if I sleep beside you, you can sleep peacefully", Arthit said and started walking away. And Kongpob could see his ears getting red.

He quickly got up, smiling widely,

"Wait P'Arthit!! You don't even know where my room is!!"

That night onwards, Kongpob slept peacefully, cause his P'Arthit would be beside him.

As for Arthit, it became another midnight secret of his.


I feel like I didn't came out that good. Then why am I posting it? Cause my sister keeps bugging me to update a new story.

Regardless, I hope you will enjoy the story.

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