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"Can you stop pestering me!!", Arthit said irritated.



"Please P'Arthit, just once, please", Kongpob pleaded.

"Come on Arthit, just do it. Why are you Making it so difficult?", Knott interjected.

"Or perhaps, you like your favourite junior begging you", Bright said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ai'Bright!!...fine", Arthit said then looked at Kongpob.

"Su su na Kong"

Kongpob smiled brightly, " su su na P'Arthit"

He waied the other seniors and went away.

"See.. not that difficult", snorted Prem.

Arthit sighed. Yes not that difficult. But it becomes difficult when you have to say it every fucking day with a smile on your face, to the most annoying junior. Who kept following him every morning just to here those words from him.

And it's not like Arthit didn't asked him why. He did. Kongpob had replied,

"Seeing you every morning and then being wished by you always makes my day better"

And that's it, he had become the object of tease and fun for his friends.

He sighed. When will this get over? Hopefully, sooner or later, the junior would get bored of him and leave him alone.


Arthit had every plan of sleeping in. Today, he didn't had any morning classes, only afternoon. So he had planned on waking up at 12pm.

And he was sleeping peacefully too.

Until someone knocked on his door.

Arthit ignored it. Thinking it would go away. But when it continued, Arthit got up, irritated and grumbling.

He yanked open the door to scold whoever it was. Only to find kongpob standing there, clutching a pink milk.

"Kongpob!!", Arthit hissed angrily.

"Good morning P'Arthit", Kongpob smiled and handed him the pink milk.

Arthit narrowed his eyes and snatched the pink milk. And began closing the door.

"Wait!! P'Arthit"


Kongpob looked at him expectantly.

Arthit sighed and said," su su na Kongpob"

"Su su na P'Arthit", Kongpob smiled brightly and marched away.

Arthit laid down on the bed grumpily. Just for this stupid thing, Kongpob disturbed his precious sleep.

He grumbled, when will it stop?

It had been months since Kongpob started this habit of his. And Arthit had no idea when will it stop.

Just one day, Kongpob had approached him and begged him to wish him luck. Apparently, it was an important day for him.

And apparently he had succeeded, and this idea entered his head.

Arthit snorted, if everyday would be good by just someone's wishes, then nobody would have bad days.

Is it really true, that his wishes made Kongpob's days better? Wondering he went to sleep.


Book Of RequestsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora