Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Song: Away From Me by Evanescence

Chapter Image by the incredible Visenya at The Dark Arts


Chapter Sixteen

Draco Malfoy tried not to check the time. In the last hour or so he couldn't seem to stop himself glancing every few seconds at his watch, but it appeared as if time itself was standing still. As was usual of a Sunday, lunch was dragging on forever. People talking lazily, putting off homework, putting off the impending doom of the Monday morning start for just a couple more hours.  

His father's voice rang in his ears. 'It is imperative that you maintain appearances Draco,' he had told him, the whispered words ringing from the letter in which he'd recorded them. 'There are eyes everywhere, no one must know. The reputation of the Malfoy name is at stake. You must not fail.' 

But Draco had no intention of failing. They'd given him the mark hadn't they? He would prove to him he was on their side, that he could do this, and then everything would be okay. 

Everything would be okay. The black tattoo on his forearm still stung when he touched it, but the pain was fading every day. He'd done everything he could to hide it from his fellow classmates, no one would know a thing. Everything would go to plan. 

His mother had been deeply upset at the ugly skull and snake now brandished on the inside of Draco's wrist. His father hadn't told her what was happening until afterwards, when Draco had heard them screaming and roaring at each other all throughout the Manor. He'd not been able to make out most of the words, hidden up in his room, except his mother had kept screaming 'Too young! He's too young!' 

Draco hadn't seen his mother since then, and that had been the Easter Holidays weeks ago. His father had assured him she had been sent somewhere for her own protection, because what they were planning was too important to risk anything, but that didn't explain to Draco why he couldn't talk to her, or even write her a letter. 

'Your mother believes in you,' the letter's voice had said. 'You'll be able to see her when this is all over.' He'd replayed that part over and over, until the letter had buckled under its own magic and burst into flames. What would happen if he didn't do it, if he didn't succeed? Draco couldn't help but wonder. Would he still get to see his mother? 

Was she really okay? 

He banished the thought away and checked his watch again without thinking. It was almost time. He wanted to get there early, so there was no mistakes. 

"Are you late for something?" asked Blaise Zabini coolly. Draco felt himself jump back to reality and look guiltily at his best friend. She always sat with such poise it reminded him of a cat, and right now her large hazel eyes were fixed accusingly on him. Colour reached up his neck. He should have known better than to try and hide this from Blaise, she was so damn observant about everything, he should have just avoided her. 

Please, he thought to himself, please just drop it. 


He should have known she never would. "It's nothing," he muttered. Blaise remained unmoved. 

"Are you going to meet Pansy for a little rendezvous?" she asked. Only because Draco knew her so well did her realise she was teasing. Her tone was completely calm, but those hazel eyes said otherwise. 

On a different day he would have enjoyed a bit of goading. Pansy was a nightmare and the pair normally laughed themselves silly behind her back. 

But not today. 

The Dream Trilogy Book Two: Tread On My Dreams (A Harry Potter FanFiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora