Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

The common room went berserk with people shouting and gasping in shock. Harry was pretty sure Ginny Weasley cried out something profane, but he barely heard any of it. He let Draco go and held his shoulders, studying his astonished looking face. Sarah gawped as she groped to hold onto the blond boy's sleeve again.  

"Have you lost your senses?" said Draco, unmoving. His grey eyes were wide with what almost seemed like fear. People, including Ron and Hermione, were still yelling and pushing forward, but Harry just let himself be jostled, and smiled at Draco. He knew it was him, without a shadow of a doubt - he would have known even if Sarah hadn't been standing right beside him to prove it. It was those grey eyes that did it. 

"You've crossed over," he said, feeling dizzy. "Haven't you. Through the History classroom." He saw Sarah's face from the corner of his eye go very still, but Draco still stared. Ron was hollering in his ear. 

"What are you talking about Potter?" Draco whispered, chest rising and falling. Harry felt a stab of sympathy for them both, remembering his own terror when he'd fallen through the dimensional door last November. He'd never felt more alone. 

Right now though he felt he'd never been happier to see someone in his entire life. It hadn't been a dream, he knew it hadn't, they were standing there before him and somewhere in a universe far, far away the parents he'd met really were alive, more alive than he ever could have imagined. 

"It's okay," Harry whispered back as Hermione pulled at his clothes and the Gryffindors bellowed themselves hoarse. "Look at your arm." His eyes flicked down to Draco's right wrist, and very slowly the other boy pulled up his sleeve. 

When Harry had been sat on that unfamiliar bed, trying to listen through that terrible headache to what his mother, his actual mother, had been trying to tell him, not one word had sunk in until he had crossed to the other side of the room and seen for himself the missing lightning bolt reflected in the mirror in the wardrobe.  

So when Draco looked down and saw there was no lattice of silvery scars, no dark mark blemishing his skin, Harry didn't blame his knees for buckling. He still had a hold of his shoulders so was able to help him keep standing as he took short, sharp breaths and stared at his arm. "We need to get out of here," Harry said to Ron and Hermione, throwing his arm around Draco's shoulders and starting to move them all through the throng. Sarah kept a tight hold of Draco's hand, face white as a sheet. The shouting died down and people just gaped instead as Harry Potter lead a shaking Draco Malfoy through the Gryffindor common room up towards the dormitories.  

He pushed open the door to the Sixth Year boy's room, and was unsurprised to find Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas still sitting on their beds where he'd left them five minutes ago. Seamus and Dean however were very surprised. 

"What the-" cried Seamus, leaping to his feet in horror at the sight of Draco Malfoy. But Sarah Potter cut him off. Since Harry had mentioned the history classroom, he swore she hadn't even blinked, and only moved because Draco's hand was connected to her own. But as she entered the room and her eyes fell on Seamus, and she dropped Draco's hand instantly.  

"No," she breathed. "No, no, no, no!" Tears burst into life, cascading in black lines down her face as she covered her mouth with her hands and stumbled backwards until she hit the dormitory wall. "Y-you," she stammered, wet blue eyes wide as saucers. "You're not, you're...I saw you..." 

Seamus froze, as did Dean by his shoulder. The Irish boy looked to Harry. "What's going on?" he asked slowly. 

Harry considered Draco, who he was still trying to support despite the fact the blond boy was much taller than him, his sobbing little sister, and Ron and Hermione, both thoroughly confused behind him. "It's...a bit complicated," he admitted. "Could you give us the room for a while?" 

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