Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Sarah kept a close eye on Draco as they began their journey once more through Hogwarts. He seemed more stable after their impromptu intervention. She couldn't really imagine how it must feel to come to terms with what he was forced to do as a child, and now to be thrust into what was essentially a re-enactment of it could really tip him over the edge. She decided not to stray too far from him, just in case he felt like doing something drastic. 

The castle was eerily hushed as they made their way along. Draco had told them he'd let the Death Eaters in via the docks in their own world, but seeing as they'd probably be long gone from them now they'd decided to head to Dumbledore's office, much to Hermione's quiet satisfaction after all. However they hadn't gone more than one corridor before they ran into someone.  

Sarah felt her insides jolt as they rounded the corner to see a small figure in Gryffindor Quidditch robes staring out of the window, clutching a battered old broom, but almost instantly she recognised who it was. 

"Natalie," she breathed out in relief, forgetting that this wasn't really her best friend and that this Natalie McDonald had no idea who she was. She pushed past the others and raced towards her, but she didn't move. In fact, as Sarah stopped beside her, it didn't even look like she was breathing. 

"Natalie?" cried Sarah, suddenly panicked, and reached out to grab her arm. 

"Don't touch her!" snapped Hermione, and Sarah whipped her head around as the other four approached.  

"What do you mean, what's wrong with her?" Natalie was as still as a statue as she gazed out of the window, a look of surprise frozen on her face. Hermione came up close to her and peered into her unblinking eyes, then glanced over the rest of her body. 

"I don't know," she said, frowning and pulling out her wand. She flicked around a couple of spells and murmured to herself.  

"Is she petrified?" asked Ron, and Sarah studied her face. 

"She looks more shocked than scared," she said, but Hermione was already shaking her head.  

"No, he means Petrified, it's a state of magically immobility. But unless there's another Basilisk been set loose, I'm not sure what could have done that." 

"Plus she's staring out the window," added Harry. "So it would have had to have been a flying Basilisk." 

"Wait, hang on," interrupted Draco. "What do you mean 'another Basilisk'?" Sarah had been wondering the same thing. Surely there was only one huge snake hidden underneath Hogwarts? 

Ron puffed his chest with pride. "Harry totally killed You-Know-Who's Basilisk with the Sword of Gryffindor. And," he added, "he was only twelve." 

Draco stared open mouthed at Harry, who looked a little embarrassed. Draco would have been the same age when he enabled the Basilisk's release in their reality, and here Harry was having bloody killed it. She worried what that would do to Draco's fragile state of mind. 

Hermione cleared her throat. "Can we get back to the matter at hand please? Why is this girl frozen?" 

"This is my friend Natalie," said Sarah softly. She leaned in and examined her face. She could have been a wax model for all the life she showed. "Will she be okay?" 

Hermione pursed her lips. "Well," she said uncertainly. "I was Petrified and I was fine." Sarah saw Draco's eyes widen at this but he remained silent. "So if it's something similar, a dose of Mandrake Drought should sort her out no worries." 

"And if it's not?" asked Sarah quietly. 

Hermione considered that a moment. "Let's go to McGonagall's office. It's closer." 

The Dream Trilogy Book Two: Tread On My Dreams (A Harry Potter FanFiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz