Chapter Forty Six

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Chapter Forty Six

Sarah followed Sirius and Remus onto Level Eight, with Tonks protectively behind her. It had been hard work making their way down the stairwell against the water flying back up the steps, it seemed extremely eager to return to its fountain. But they'd made it, and not seen a single unfriendly face along the way, which made a nice change. 

Level Eight had a short corridor, with a couple of doors along the sides, only one of which was open. Sarah glanced in at an outrageously messy office, but her attention was quickly drawn to the gates of the Ministry's Menagerie at the end of the corridor. Beyond the wrought iron looked to be an actual jungle, the path quickly winding out of sight as the trees and plants were so dominant. A Niffler had been frozen, just like all the people were, and looked as if it was in the middle of prodding at something when it had. Sarah also spied a group of unmoving pixies hiding in a bush. 

"How do we get in?" asked Sarah as the party reached the entrance. Sirius narrowed his eyes. 

"I'll try some of the basics." 

A quick Alohomora was all that was needed though, and the gate swung open without so much as a squeak. Sarah looked back over at Roberta Charlton, hovering in the last painting before the walls became covered in lichen rather than artwork. 

"Good luck," said the former sports official. "I'll be waiting right here." 

"Thanks," muttered Sarah, not feeling quite so brave now her crazy plan was being put into action. "I think we're going to need it." 

"Nonsense," said Roberta kindly, clenching her fist supportively. "I have every confidence in you, just ruddy well keep your eye on the ball." Sarah nodded, then followed the adults into the animal sanctuary, the gates swinging silently shut behind her. 

"How big is this place?" muttered Tonks, her wand up and her eyes scanning the foliage warily. "And what exactly lives here?" 

"Um," said Remus also looking about. "Pretty huge, and everything I think. It's sort of a Noah's ark, with lots of different habitats. I read once they're separated by invisible barriers, so in theory we can pass through but the animals stay where they're supposed to." 

"Wonderful," Tonks replied. "I guess we just listen out for any buzzing, and head that way then?" 

"Hmm," said Remus. "And maybe movement, it looks like the Wranglers have frozen everything else in here. I guess it's all energy for their binding spells." 

"Animal battery, human battery, what's the difference," murmured Sarah, more to herself than anyone else. She had in her hand the wand Tonks had given her from one of the Death Eaters. Sirius insisted Sarah not be allowed to take part in their mission (even though it had been her idea in the first place) unless she could defend herself properly. But she wasn't feeling very confident with this strange wand, and hadn't even got a chance to try it out yet. 

It wasn't long before the buzzing started. As the terrain became more rocky and less luscious Sarah and the others began spotting the odd Wrangler or two, but managed to either hide in time or stun them before any harm could be done. It was becoming increasingly difficult though, and the group decided to hide under some huge banana leaves to discuss their strategy before they went any further. 

"We can't just walk up to the queen," insisted Tonks, nursing her split lip again. It had been healed for almost an hour but she kept rubbing it still. "She be surrounded by all her drones." 

"Maybe we could lure the drones away?" suggested Remus. 

"The point is mute," argues Sirius. "How do we kill the thing once we get to it? We don't even know how big it is? 

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