Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

The next few weeks passed in a strange blur for Draco. It was extremely disorientating going back to the Gryffindor tower following meals and classes after the Slytherin dungeon had been his home for his first two years at Hogwarts. But whenever he arrived there a warm sense of relief would always wash over him, and even after only a few days he swore nowhere had ever seemed more like home to him. The fire was constantly roaring and the plush, mismatching sofas and chairs were always a welcome respite after a hectic day off lessons. There would be gaggles of students chattering and doing homework, and no one ever seemed to get pinned to the rafters. Unlike in Slytherin. 

The dorms had been a bit tricky, as Draco had found himself sharing with Harry and only one other Muggle-Born boy called Dean Thomas. But more often than not Harry spent his time with Parvati, or the Ravenclaw Terry Boot, so Draco didn't have to worry about bumping into him in the bathroom. He was aware that Harry and possibly even Parvati had warned Dean about staying clear of Draco. Dean had responded by throwing a Muggle football into Draco's lap, and informing him that he couldn't shoot penalties against himself. Draco had taken to Dean immediately.  

Lessons were interesting. Despite being in the Sixth Year, in general their level of education was acceptable at best and downright none existent at worse. Most students had been homeschooled after leaving Hogwarts four years ago, either by parents or tutors, and it meant their knowledge was often focused on certain areas with huge gaps in others. Draco was one of the few Death Eater children who knew little expect potions and spells that would hurt you and a head-full of anti-Muggle propaganda. Almost every lesson he found himself desperately scribbling notes, trying to keep up with what was being taught.  

Hermione and the other Muggle Borns had a broad sweep of general knowledge from Summer School that meant they weren't really good at anything. That was, expect for Hermione herself, who seemed to have ingested five years worth of texts books since November and was at the top of almost every class. Draco was mortified by this; he'd had it in his head he was going to be the one guiding Hermione, helping her learn the ropes, but her grasp of magic was already better than his had ever been. He did his best to hide his inability from her for as long as possible, the shame was so unbearable. It had lasted until the end of their second week, when they had been paired together in Charms and Draco was practically rendered mute by his embarrassment at being unable to help in any way with their assignment. When Hermione worked out what was the cause of his shame, she seemed overcome with delight, promptly drew up a extracurricular plan for them both and began tutoring him immediately. After that homework suddenly became a lot more enjoyable. 

In fact, between homework, extra study, lessons and meals, Draco found himself almost always in the company of Hermione Granger. She relaxed her extreme appearance as the days went by, easing off the make-up and letting her hair curl a little more naturally, which Draco couldn't say he minded. She was so easy to be around, always having something to talk about. They worked on school work as well as extra catch up projects she devised for themselves. They both knew a reasonable amount of French and would often attempt to have stilted conversations which generally ended in nonsense. All of this seemed to add fuel to Harry and Parvati's fire, and Draco and Hermione were always rewarded with a scowl from them both whenever they ran into each other. 

"I honestly don't understand it," said Hermione sadly one day as they watched the pair stalk past them in the common room. Draco had to remind himself that she had only known the other Harry, the real Harry as he thought of him, and even then only for a few days. He had tried to explain to her that this was the way the Harry of this world had always been, but she refused to believe the Harry they knew wasn't lurking in there somewhere. "They had exactly the same life until they were one, genetically they're identical, they've just had different upbringings. I know he's got it in him." Draco wasn't so sure. About Harry or what 'genetically' meant. 

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