Chapter 6

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Downtown Gotham

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Downtown Gotham

The Batmobile weaved through the mild traffic. Dark buildings of varying heights flashed past the girls as they flew via jetpacks through the odd dark red sky. Cool air whipped by as they kept pace with the speedy car.

"I'm glad we're working with him on this," Alex said loudly, eyes focused ahead.

"Yeah!" Sam replied, long hair whipping behind her. "I get the feeling he's been through as much as we have. Maybe more."

Clover gave a slight nod. "And he's seriously hot. Loaded..."

Sam's eyes met Clover's briefly. "And a genius! And a lone wolf vigilante..." Sam added.

Both girls' eyes sparked dreamily.

"Guys!" Alex called out, catching their attention and pointing below. "I totally agree. But we're here!"

The Batmobile was parked in a lot, and Batman was already approaching a huge, squat grey two-story building from the side, out of the glare of the streetlights. The girls landed behind him and shut off their jetpacks. After a short walk, Batman fired his Batarang grappling hook vertically and retracted himself up to land high above on the roof. The spies reignited their jetpacks, then flew up to join him.

Once they reached the skylight, Sam brought out her Laser Lipstick, while Batman pulled out a bat-shaped device and a yellow cylinder from his belt. Batman smiled and arched a cowl-covered brow. Sam grinned sheepishly and returned her gadget to her pack.

"After you," she said, hands held before her, and watched attentively.

Batman nodded, attached the bat-shaped device to the glass by suction, then pressed the top of the yellow cylinder to ignite a laser and cut a large hole in the glass. He lifted the glass with the powerful suction of the bat-shaped device and placed it on the rooftop by his feet. He pressed a button on the device, the suction stopped, and he stashed the gadget.

"Nice," Clover remarked.

Batman motioned for the girls to go through first. Jetpacks ablaze, they each moved through the skylight into the building. Batman shot a Batarang grappling hook into the rooftop near the skylight, then leapt through the hole. The rope attached to the Batarang held firmly as he lowered himself to the floor. He pressed a button on a cylinder attached to his belt, then looked to the others.

"Electronic signal scrambler," he explained. Now we're invisible to security cameras."

The girls looked at him in admiration. He then pressed the button on his grappling device, and the Batarang embedded in the rooftop popped out. The rope retracted, and the Batarang returned to the base of his device. Batman took point and moved through the large white-walled atrium. Office doors peppered a wall nested under a second-floor walkway with a glass protective barrier.

The girls followed closely as they made their way past tall pillars and a few orange-red cubicles. The quartet emerged in a mid-sized circular front lobby. There were a few couches and coffee tables, and a wide front desk, manned by a grizzled security guard with a beard. His partner was a younger, taller man with arched brows. The latter observed monitors on his desktop console, then typed a bit. Batman and the spies backtracked to be sure they were out of range of the guards' sight and hearing.

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