"So, when she grew up, the more she understood her condition," I said.

"Yes," Taro-san nodded, "She opened the eye pack by herself sometimes. She said that she heard someone called her name. The rumors spread quickly and with no time people believed in Nanako power. So, they come to ask for help to talk with their ancestors. At first, the Fujisima family don't ask anything. But the oldest son comes with an idea to worship Nanako. So, they can gain money. They started by building a nice house for Nanako," Taro-san shook his head. He seemed to not believed his own story.

"Worship Nanako?" Rui and I looked at each other.

"But, only five months passed, the accident began happened to Fujisima family," Taro-san sighed, "First, the animal they keep died mysteriously. The two favorite dogs of the husband, the foreign cat that the daughter rising, the horse of that the second son owned and the golden fish on the pond all died. And the week after, the spin factory the family ownership for generations get burn to the asses. Not only that, they have a large plot of farmland and the day before harvested is got rot. All the accident happened after they let Nanako power spread, so they think that Nanako cursed them because forces her to using her power,"

I looked at Taro-san seriously. Trying to understand the story to find the common thread of this incident. But, the more I try to understand it, the more confused I am.

"The family began to torture her. But because they scared of Nanako's power, they shut the girl back to the annex. But, the misfortune doesn't stop. Their business partners suddenly cut off the ties with them. They at the level that they can't even pay the salary of the worker," Taro-san said.

His son, Jun-san just kept looking at his father. Every now and then he sighed and shook his head. If drawn from the lineage, Jun-san is a direct descendant of Fujisima's family. Maybe that's what made him feel upset.

"Maybe because of the anger, one night the family decided to get rid of Nanako. Because they don't want to be suspected, they put poison on her meal for every day and let her died from illness after a week. Cough....cough....!"

Jun-san immediately took the drink on the table and slowly helps his father to drink. Rui and I looked at each other. We wondered if we should stop this conversation.

"Don't worry. I will get sick if I don't tell the truth," Taro-san smiled and took a small breath, "A week after the tragedy happened, the entry family and the worker get killed. There is no voice, so no one knows what happened and the fire suddenly spread around the house. The neighbors help to put out the fire and trying to help the family and the worker, but they surprised that they found all of them were stabbed to death,"

"I heard that one of the maids survive from the accident," I said.

"Yes," he nodded, "But, the stabbing getting worse so she died the next day. Everyone surprised about what she said. That Nanako is the one who accused the accident. She said she saw a little girl silhouette passed the maid room. How it's possible when she already died," Taro-san looked at us with a confused look.

"The police said that it's homicide," Rui said.

"Yes, they found the husband fingerprint in the knife that used to kill all the people inside the house. The police conclude that after killing all the people inside the house, the husband commits suicide. The first one gets killed is the eldest daughter, the second daughter, the third son, the third daughter, first son and his wife, the second son, the maid and the worker gets stabbed one by one on their bed, and the last one is the wife. The motive maybe because their business suddenly shut down," Again, Jun-san helps his father to drink. Taro-san took a slow breath and looked at us with a smile, "Nothing is easy when you are old," he chuckled.

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