Chapter 62: The Good Place

Start from the beginning

"Did you just take a picture?" Shawn asked from behind me

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"Did you just take a picture?" Shawn asked from behind me.

"You guys are so cute!" my mom beamed before scurrying away to the couch.

Shawn and I laughed together while I dove into my banana again.

"Is she planning on posting that somewhere?" Shawn said.

"You weren't even looking. You can't possibly look bad." I answered.

"Ok, I've definitely looked bad in pictures where I wasn't looking at the camera."

"But you were looking down. Like, no one can even see your features."

"Yeah, but, I'm braiding your hair."

I furrowed my brow as I chewed on my banana, wondering how that could possibly help his argument.

"So?" I scoffed.

"So, they'll either think we're dating or that I'm gay...again."  he said.

I pulled away from Shawn's strong fingers and spun around to face him. I flashed him a serious look, causing him to sigh and drop his hands to his sides.

Rolling Stone had recently released an article on Shawn in which he was the most open he had ever been about his sexuality. He had talked about how the rumors had made him so insecure and I had praised him for his vulnerability and honesty, but he had been beating himself up for it all since the article had come out. He was still way too focused on what everyone was thinking and saying about him.

"Sorry." he huffed.

"Don't apologize.", I said, "Just...stop, Shawn. We've talked about this."

"I know. I'm trying." he replied, flashing me a weak smile.

"I know you are. That's all you can do. I know it's hard, but you've got me. You've got so many people who actually know you and care about you and that's all that matters."

Shawn stared back at me for a few seconds before finally dropping down onto both of his knees. He sat back on his heels and sighed again.

"Question." he said.

"Shoot." I answered.

"Did you...I mean, have you ever thought I was gay? Like, since you met me?"


"I'm serious. You said the people that matter are the ones who know me and care about me. I'm just asking a question."

"I don't see the point."

"I'm taking this as a yes."

"Look.", I said, taking his hands, "I never really actively thought anything, but...well, I guess I wouldn't have been surprised if you were."


"Shawn, it doesn't matter!" I whined, squeezing his hands.

"I know. I know. I'm trying, Camila. You know I am."

Thinking of Your Skin: The Truth Behind Camren - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now