Chapter 49: Never Be The Same

Start from the beginning

I stood there like a statue as Lauren wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her body up against mine, sending shivers down my spine. After a few seconds, I recollected myself and allowed my arms to envelop her as well, falling perfectly onto her waist and pulling her closer.

Just like that, all of my anxiety melted away. This was Lauren. I inhaled the heavenly scent of her shampoo as we embraced, feeling my heart beating rapidly against hers.

"Water would be nice." she rasped into my ear just before pulling away.

I looked into those eyes of hers again and practically evaporated. Yup, I was definitely still in love with her. No questions about that.

"Ok." I said softly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.



I watched as Camila started to move towards the kitchen, hoping that she couldn't tell how fucking nervous I was. That hug alone made me feel things I had almost forgotten I was even capable of feeling; but I had to do it. There was no way that I was going to not greet her with a hug. We fit perfectly together.

I let out a deep breath as I started to observe my surroundings, trying my best to calm down a bit. Camila's little house was nice. It had a strange Miami feel to it, which I assumed had been done on purpose.

"This is making me feel really old." I said as I looked around the place.

"Old?" Camila giggled, causing me to look over at her again.

"Yeah. I'm used to seeing you in hotel rooms or at your parents' house back in Miami. This is, like, your fucking place."

"I mean, I share it with my mom."

"I've officially marked your mom as an extension of you, so that doesn't count."

Camila laughed as she made her way back over to me, two glasses of water in her delicate hands. She handed one to me as she spoke again, her fingers brushing lightly against mine.

"Well, she's not here, now." she said with a small smirk.

"Yeah..." I trailed off.

Camila and I locked eyes again with that intensity that could set a fucking building on fire. I cleared my throat and blinked rapidly, trying my best to snap out of it.

"Cheers to that." I said, holding my glass out to her.

Camila moved her glass forward to clink with mine, but, the second the cups touched, Camila's started to slip out of her hand.

"Shit!" she huffed as she scrambled to stop it from falling.

I immediately moved my free hand under her glass and helped her keep it up, a bit of water spilling out as we steadied it together.



Once the cup was secured, I looked back into Lauren eyes and found her sporting a smug smirk. That, combined with the fact that our hands were still touching, made my knees go weak. Why she always so much cooler than me?

"Yeah, so, I'm still the clumsiest person you'll ever meet." I said with a grin.

"Good to hear." she giggled while slowly retracting her hand.

I winced slightly at the loss of contact, but quickly recovered and turned to face the living room.

"We can sit." I said, motioning towards the nearest couch.

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