Chapter 48: Something's Gotta Give

Start from the beginning

Ty had been getting on my last nerves. He had been acting so fucking weird towards me since my birthday.

Erica had explained to me that she had found me crying in the bathroom, but when I asked Ty if he knew why, he clammed up. He claimed that we didn't fight or anything, that I just went into the bathroom drunk as fuck and came out with red, puffy eyes. According to him, that was all he knew.

I had been trying so hard to figure out what was going on with him, showering him with love and affection even more so than usual, but nothing seemed to work. After weeks and weeks of trying, I had finally had enough.

"Baby, I can't deal with shit anymore." I blurted out with no introduction.

"Hello to you, too." his voice rang out on the other end of the phone.

"Sorry. There's a lot on my mind."

"I can tell."

"Well, I can tell with you, too."

"Tell what?"

"That there's shit on your mind, babe."

"Lo, we've talked about this."

"Have we? Every time I try and get anything out of you, you insist that nothing is wrong, which I know isn't true. I know you, baby. Just fucking talk to me. I'm sick of this weirdness. I swear, the most love you've shown me lately has been on fucking social media."

"That's not true."

"Prove it."

"And how exactly do you want me to do that when I'm not even with you?"

"Just...ugh, just talk to me! Communication, babe! What is going on with you?"

"You really don't remember shit from the night of your birthday, do you?"

I furrowed my brow, not expecting those words from him. I had my suspicions that this all had to do with something that had happened that night, but I just wasn't sure what it could have possibly been, especially since I had already asked him about it a million times.

"Everything sort of went blank after the 50th shot of tequila. We've already talked about this." I responded.

"Yeah..." was all he said.

"Ty, I swear to god. I've asked you if something happened thousands of times and you said no. If you're about to tell me that—"

"Nothing happened with us."

"Ok, so why are you bringing this up?"

Silence. I heard him sigh heavily before he spoke again.

"Can we not do this right now? I gotta head out in a bit." he finally said.

"Ty." I said sternly.

"I'd really rather have this talk in person."

"You gave up that luxury when you fucking avoided it for weeks. We're talking about this now. I'm done speculating and feeling like shit over something I don't even know about."

"Jesus, Lo, you called Camila that night, alright?"

My head literally snapped back at his words.

"Wait, what?" I asked incredulously.

"See why I want to talk about this in person?" he said.

"I...wait, no. Why do you? Why is this so serious? What the fuck happened?"

I immediately started to enter into panic mode. Had I told Camila that I still had feelings for her? Had Ty overhead our conversation? What even was our conversation? Everything was so fucking hazy.

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