chapter four ▬▬▬ attacked

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      ━━━━━ JO-ANN PLACED HER bag on her shoulder and walked out of the room heading to the deck where the helicopters were

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      ━━━━━ JO-ANN PLACED HER bag on her shoulder and walked out of the room heading to the deck where the helicopters were. James came up behind her not sure how to talk to her, especially because he had gone years not knowing what happened to her. But, he pushed his nerves down and moved closer until he eventually came to a stop behind her.

"Hi, Jo-Ann," James said, his accent filling her ears.

"What can I do for you, James?" She asked him, not really sure if she wanted to talk to him.

"It's Conrad now." He answered. "I have so many questions, Jo-Ann."

The brunette turned in her spot looking back at Conrad. "Oh, well, Conrad, we can talk about it later when we're alone. I can't talk with people around us." Jo-Ann told him, climbing into the helicopter and sitting down in the seat waiting for them to take off.

Conrad climbed in, sitting next to her, watching her pull out a small notebook; then she opened it and started to write something in it. Looking up from her notebook Jo-Ann watched Mason turn to look back at Conrad. A smile tugged at her lips when Mason waved at Conrad to move. Jo-Ann was now in between both Mason and Conrad as she had been in the middle.

Jo-Ann continued to write as they took off from the ship, heading towards the storm. Upon hitting the storm. Upon hitting the storm Jo-Ann shoved her book back in her bag and grasped Conrad's hand upon habit, holding onto him tightly. The comfort of his hand in hers calmed her down as they continued to pass through the storm.

The brunette closed her eyes and waited until they passed the storm, moments later they came out on the other side of the storm into something like a painting. Jo-Ann let go of Conrad's hands and looked at what he had been looking at. They continued to fly over the water.

"It's so beautiful," Jo-Ann said, smiling as they moved lower to the ground.

The brown haired woman laughed, watching Mason take photos. Conrad smiled at Jo-Ann, seeing the joy in her eyes. Music began playing, as a few of the choppers went lower to the ground unloading everything. Jo-Ann and Mason looked over at Conrad as he looked at them all while bombs were sent down to the ground.

"I still can't believe they're doing this." Jo-Ann said, breaking the silence. "It's disruptive to the atmosphere and the animals that live here." She added, even though no one probably heard her.

The three of them watched as explosions occurred through the land. More bombs were sent down into the land, but soon it stopped. Jo-Ann watched in terror with both Mason and Conrad as one of the choppers was hit by a tree.

"Oh, my gosh!" Jo-Ann gasped, placing her hand in front of her open mouth.

Shortly after another chopper was hit by something. Jo-Ann looked at the creature that stood tall looking out towards the sun. Jo-Ann grabbed a hold of Conrad's hand at the sound of guns firing at the creature. The three of them watched as the creature knocked down one of the choppers with its hand, causing an explosion as it hit the ground.

"Pull out! Pull out, now!" Conrad shouted.

"I don't take orders from you!" Slivko shouted back.

Jo-Ann watched the creature run towards Packard's chopper, jumping it when it came close to him. Bullets shot the men and both the choppers hit each other, falling down to the ground.

"Hang on!" Slivko said, looking back at the three.

"Watch out," Conrad yelled as a man hit them and slid back into the wings.

Mason wrapped her arm around Jo-Ann's arm as their chopper started to go down towards the ground. It was falling at a fast rate leaving them no time to process what was happening. Jo-Ann tightened her grip on Conrad's hand not wanting to let go this time.

"Prepare to crash!" Slivko howled, turning his attention to the controls. Their chopper went down hitting the tree's causing a tougher impact than expected.

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