chapter nine ▬▬▬ northern lights

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      ━━━━━ JO-ANN FOLLOWED BEHIND Conrad as Marlow led them to a boat, mixed with plane parts and other ships

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      ━━━━━ JO-ANN FOLLOWED BEHIND Conrad as Marlow led them to a boat, mixed with plane parts and other ships.

"We were this close to getting it working." Marlow said, looking back at the group as he gestured to them. "Me and Gunpei were gonna take off for the open sea, try to get him. That's when one of them things got him."

Marlow came to a stop looking at the boat. Conrad soon came to a stop next to him, while Jo-Ann stopped next to Conrad staring at the boat that sat in the water.

"There she is." Marlow breathed out.

"Well, that's lovely." Conrad said, causing Jo-Ann to look over at him.

"You're damn right."

Jo-Ann stood back as the four men walked over to the boat climbing on to it. Turning away from them she then went to find Mason. After finally finding Mason, she watched the photographer fill her camera with a new roll to take more photos. The brunette watched as she started taking photos of the Iwis Tribe.

Soon after she handed the camera over to one of them showing him how to take a photo. Mason grabbed the spear, holding it next to her as her picture was taken. Seconds later Jo-Ann found herself being pulled towards Mason to be in the picture with her. She placed a smile on her face staring at the camera as their picture was taken.

After that Jo-Ann continued to watch Mason take a few more photos. A creature moaned in the distance gaining both Mason and Jo-Ann's attention. The two took off, walking through the tall grass until they came to a door frame. Jo-Ann looked to see a creature lying underneath a chopper that had fallen onto it.

Mason walked through the door frame, while Jo-Ann followed closely behind her, looking around at everything. Giant spikes covered the outside of the wall with blood stained on most of them. The two came to a stop looking around until they noticed the creature under the chopper. Together they stepped forward, running towards it.

They came to a stop staring into the creature's eyes as it cried out in pain. Jo-Ann moved over to the other side of the chopper and began attempting to push the wing up. Mason followed behind Jo-Ann doing the same thing. The two struggled to push the end off the creature, grunting as they pushed.

"Come on, get up!" Mason shouted at the creature.

Jo-Ann and Mason stopped briefly looking at the chopper, both hoping that Kong would come and rescue the creature. And they got their wish. The two women watched as Kong lifted the chopper off the creature allowing it to be free. The two looked up at Kong as he looked down at them.

The creature stood up and began walking away from them. Jo-Ann slowed her breathing down as she looked up at Kong watching him drop the chopper to the ground. She wanted to walk towards him, and so she did. However, Mason stopped her from moving, causing her to look back at Mason.

Kong continued to watch the two as they interacted with each other. Seconds later the two watched as he walked away from them. Jo-Ann and Mason breathed out, eventually they turned back around and walked back towards the protective wall. Jo-Ann separated from Mason heading to a spot where she could think to herself.

When she found it she pulled her notepad out of her bag and grabbed the pencil and began drawing Kong. She had been so into drawing that when she looked up she noticed that the sun was setting in the distance. Soon the Northern lights appeared in the sky. Closing her notepad she placed it back in her bag and headed down to the boat.

She decided to stay out of the boat to get a better view of the stars. Sitting on the grass she moved her bag from her shoulder, placing it next to her. Jo-Ann looked up at the stars, slowly moving down to the grass to lay on it, continuing to look at the stars. Conrad walked out of the boat after talking to Mason.

He looked down at Jo-Ann and placed a smile on his face. He moved towards her, laying down on the ground next to her. Conrad turned to look at Jo-Ann as she did the same thing. She smiled back at him, soon looking back at the stars, as the Northern lights shined bright in the sky.

"I'm sorry about everything I did to you and the torture I put you through. Not knowing if I was alive or dead must have killed you inside." Jo-Ann said, breaking the silence. Conrad looked up at the sky.

"I can't blame you, Jo. It was a mission that you had to go on." He replied. She lifted herself from the grass and turned to look at him.

"Yeah, about that. I lied about that mission."

Jo-Ann looked down at her hands, while Conrad lifted himself from the grass and looked over at her as the conversation had taken an interesting turn.

"Why did you leave then?"

Conrad wanted to know the truth about what had really happened. The brunette sighed, briefly looking down at the ground putting words together in her head.

"I received a letter from my mom, explaining that my dad was sick and that I needed to come home. They were the only ones who knew where I was. So, I left saying that I had received another mission, one of which I wasn't sure if it would allow me to come back to London."

"I still have that letter... I would read it every day hoping I would find you again, one day." Conrad told her as he pulled the wrinkled letter out, showing it to her.

Jo-Ann looked at the letter smiling at him as a tear fell down her cheek. He noticed it, lifting his hand up, he wiped the tear away causing her to look up at him.

"There's more you need to know." She spoke softly. "After arriving at my parents house I was attacked. So badly that I was left for dead. I was in the hospital for a few months in recovery. And then after that I had to relearn how to walk. After I relearned how to walk, Randa found me. He hired me to come work for him. I spent the last few years with him, believing in all this because he knew it existed. I wouldn't have changed anything in the world to be right here, right now."

She looked up at the sky. Conrad smiled at her looking back up at the sky as the conversation drifted away from them.

"If we get out of this alive... I'll go with you wherever you decide to travel."

Jo-Ann grasped his hand and held it in hers. Conrad smiled at her, and gave her a nod in response.

❝ WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE ❞ ── James Conrad ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu