Chapter 34: An Unlikely Duo

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"You got it?" I asked in confusion.

"I got why she was so into you."

I was glad I put on a good coat of face makeup that day because I was probably blushing like crazy. What was going on?

"I was just in love with Lauren so I didn't really give you much of a second look but...I always sort of...wondered..." she trailed off, staring me down again.

"Wondered what?" I asked, my mouth now feeling dry.

"Camila, I know we were always sort of placed on opposing sides, but, we do have a lot in common, you know? Lauren wasn't right for either of us, but...maybe she was just the way we were supposed to meet."


"Look, I know this all sounds pretty crazy, but we can both give each other something she couldn't."

"And what's that?"

"You deserve someone who wants to see you excel. I deserve someone who'll give me all of their love. I've known you over the years, Camila. I've seen your heart of gold and your drive and it's seriously been so attractive to me. I guess our whole situation just made me not see you in that light, but...I do, now."

I was speechless. This was the absolute last thing I expected to happen.

"I'm not saying I'm fucking in love with you or anything, but I'm just saying...if you're interested at all...I'd like to see what we can be."

I stared back at Lucy, trying to remember how to speak, but also not even sure what I wanted to say. Suddenly, I watched her eyes shift over to my left. Then, her mouth began to curve into that smirk again. Puzzled, I turned to see what she was looking at.

I almost gasped when I found those all too familiar bright emerald eyes staring back at me.



"What is this?" I scoffed as I approached their table, Dinah following closely behind.

"It's two people having lunch together, Lauren." Lucy said mockingly.

"Yeah, two of the most unlikely people in the fucking universe!"

"Lo." Dinah said softly as she grabbed my arm.

I turned my attention to Camila who was staring up at me with those big brown eyes. She looked like she had just seen a ghost. I felt like I was seeing a ghost; or at least imagining all of this insanity.

"Camila." I said softly, not sure what to even say to her.

Her eyes shifted back and forth between Dinah and me. It was like she had forgotten how to speak.

"What are you doing here?" I practically whispered.

Finally, Camila lifted herself up a bit from her seat and started to speak.

"Lauren, I-"

"Camila.", Lucy interrupted, placing her hand on top of Camila's to stop her from getting up, "You don't have to explain anything to her."

My gaze shot to their joined hands on the table, practically burning through their skin. It was taking everything in me to not just tackle Lucy on the spot. Camila slowly lowered herself back into her chair as she stared back at Lucy.

"Do you want to explain it to me, then?" I asked Lucy.

"We're just having lunch, Lauren." she said smugly.

Thinking of Your Skin: The Truth Behind Camren - Book TwoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang