Chapter 13: We Said, She Said

Start from the beginning

"Of course not! I can't kill you right when you're about to be a famous pop star."

I flashed Sofi a soft smile, envying her innocence. She had no idea what went on behind the scenes, all of the drama and heartbreak that it took to get to this point. It was better this way. I would let her live in her fantasy since I couldn't live in mine.

"You could take over for me, though. I'm sure no one would notice." I joked.

"Um, I'm pretty sure Mami would notice." she laughed.

"Nah, she gets us confused all of the time. Why do you think she's messed up our names so much?"

"Because she's old."

"Ok, ya he oído suficiente (I've heard enough)." my mom chimed in as she walked towards us.

Sofi and I laughed as we hid under the covers, trying to escape the wrath of our mother. Tip of the day: never call a woman old. Our mom immediately ripped the covers off of us and started tickling Sofi while I escaped to the other side of the room.

"Kaki, help!" my sister called out.

"You're on your own this time, kid!" I shouted back.

Sofi kicked and screamed in between her giggles, knowing that this was a battle she would lose. My mom was an expert tickler, but luckily for me, Sofi had become the new target once she was born. The two of them went on like this for about a minute or so before my mother dismissed Sofi, telling her that she needed to speak with me. Sofi closed the door behind her as she left, leaving my mom and I to discuss whatever was on her mind.

"Como te sientes, hija (How are you feeling)?" she began.

I leaned back against my desk and flashed her a weak smile. She made her way over to me and put her arm around me.

"Viste el post en Twitter (Did you see the Twitter post)?" I asked.

"Por su puesto. Por eso estoy aqui (Of course. That's why I'm here)."

"Well", I sighed, "I'm honestly shocked. I mean, Lauren warned me but I didn't think that it would be that ridiculous."

"Are you going to tell me what happened with Lauren last night?"

I had finally gotten in the habit of telling my mom everything, especially if it had to do with the green eyed girl. It felt nice to have someone who was completely on my side to vent to about everything, but I knew that the only reason that she was comfortable talking about it all was because it was over. I couldn't imagine what she would say or do if I told her that I still had a small hope in the back of my mind that we would get back together. I had gotten good at telling her everything, but I definitely still wasn't good about telling her exactly how I felt about it all.

"Honestly, it wasn't that important." I answered, only half believing myself.

"Hija, entraste al carro ayer llorando. Sin palabras (You got in the car yesterday crying. Unable to speak)." she contested.

"It was just a goodbye. That's all."

"Are you sure that you don't want to talk about it?"

"I'm sure, Mamá. Thank you. Right now, I just need to focus on what the heck I'm going to say to that post."

"Hablaste con Roger (Have you talked to Roger)?"

"No. I kind of want this to be my own thing. I've clearly seen what happens when the management takes over the statement."

"I think you should talk to him first. You don't want him to get angry at you."

"Mamá, this isn't Fifth Harmony anymore. This is me. I'm taking control, at least over this. I don't want Roger to have me twist it into something it's not."

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