Enemies Fall

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I hate this. Where is he? The fire subsided and the smoke was clearing up. No sign of Robert or Deena. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a fire fighter yell for help. I see Robert and Deena fumbling out the emergency exit. Both coughing like crazy. Their face was black from the smoke and ashes.

I wrap my arms around him. "Thank God, you're alright!" I sighed with relief. I cupped my hands around his face. "Don't you ever do that again! You scared me half death." I continued. He hugs me tight. I helped him over to the ambulence bus. They gave him the oxygen mask and checked him. "We need to get you to the hospital. Lungs sound weak." said the paramedic.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll meet you there okay." I said getting out the truck. I got into my car and drove home. I picked up Jen and Preston. She asked me about Deena. I told her everything wasfine. I parked the car and we all went inside. I asked the nurse where Robert and Deena was. Preston took Jennifer to Deena's room.

I stepped in and there he laid resting. The nurse smiled and walked past me. "Is he okay?" I asked her. "Yes, ma'am." she replied. I knodded my head and went over to him. I can see his beautiful smile behind the oxygen mask. I stroked the top of his head and held his hand. "Hey. How do you feel?" I asked. Robert moved the mask. "Okay, I guess. I want to go home thats all." he replied. "I know you do babe. Just have to wait for the doctor to give the okay." "How's Deena?" "Preston and Jen are with her. I'm sure she's fine." "I thought we would never get out." "How did you manage to escape?"

Robert's face froze as he turned from me. "Babe, its not important." he replied nervously. "There's nothing to be ashamed of." I assured. He sighed and faced foward. "I seduced her." My jaw dropped. I nodded my head and left it alone. "Are you mad?" asked Robert. "No." I answered with a smile. "You sure?" "Positive." "It was the only way I can get her to stop." "I know. The important thing is that she's gone." "I thought of you the entire time." "Bobby, it's okay."

I kissed the top of his forehead and smiled. Robert probably still believes I'm mad. I can't be angry at him. He saved our lives before things turned worse. I felt a weight lifted off my back. No more being afraid. It's finally over. For good. I can now focus on my growing baby. I can't wait for her to be here.

*Two Months Later*

I laid there watching Robert hold our newborn daughter. She was perfect. "Jazlynn looks exactly like you, babe." he whispered. I smiled at him. "Dad, let me hold her." whinned Preston. "Alright." He gently laid her in his arms. Preston sat down next to me. "My sister is cute." "Yes she is." I agreed. Robert places a kiss on my lips. "I love you, baby doll." he whispered pressing his forehead against mine. I gazed into those chocolate orbs and smiled. "I love you."

The door opened and in came my parents. Along with Deena and Jennifer. "Where is my goregous grand-daughter?" asked my dad. Preston handed him Jazlynn. My mom gives me a big hug. "How are you? You need anything?" she greeted. "No, mom. I'm good." "Secillia she is the spitting image of you." added my dad. "Reminds me of when you were born. She's beautiful."

Jennifer and Deena got to hold Jazlynn while we catched up. I heard they were planning to adopt. Even better news was that Jennifer has been accepted to under go spinal surgery. Giving her the chance to walk again. She would have to travel to California. Everything is all joyful. No more tears. Just tears of happiness. I smiled as my mother reveiled she is pregnant.

My parents have been trying to have another baby. After I was born and they tried again after four months. The doctor said it was impossible for her to get pregnant again. A miracle happened and now she's 6 weeks pregnant. My dad is excited himself. Another Turner. I want a brother more than anything. I really do.

News got around that Matt died in prison. Only two days before, the execution. He hung himself that night and the next morning they found him. He's done a lot of bad things. Things that I would never forgive him for. The only good thing he did was warn us about Monica. In the end, he brought it upon himself. No more enemies. I think.

I walk outside to check my mail. I skimmed through it finding something worth keeping. I found a huge envelope. A letter from Julius. I haven't talked to him since the day at the market. I closed my front door and sat down on the couch. Robert was on the floor playing with Jazlynn. I opened the envelope to find a beautiful designed invitation with gold lettering. Julius invited me and Robert to his wedding. Oh my God!

I smiled brightly as I read the invite. "Did you win a million dollars?" joked Robert. "No, my friend Julius invited us to his wedding." I replied. "That's nice. I take it he found someone special." "He deserves it. Such a sweet and romantic guy." "Like me?" I rolled my eyes and joined him as he laughed. "You're beyond sweet and romantic. You're sexy, rugged, and wild." I answered. "Hallelujah! Preach it sista!" he praised raising hands in the air. I died laughing. He sounded like a black preacher. He nailed it.

Preston comes in dropping his bag on to the floor. He plops down next to me resting his head on my shoulder. "How was your day?" I asked. He sighed and ignored my question. "Son, your mom's talking to you." snapped Robert. "I have to get a tuxedo or suit." said Preston. "Why?" I asked. "It's for the school dance." "Aww." "Mom, don't do that!" "You going alone?" asked Robert. "Not exactly." "My son has a date." I exclaimed giving him a hug.

He groaned and I just laughed it off. "What's her name?" continued Robert smiling. "Ashley." replied Preston with a big ass smile on his face. I can see his eyes light up. "Is she pretty?" "Dad, she is hot! She has dark black hair, green eyes, and man does she have a body." I rolled my eyes. Oh dear Lord! My son is just like his dad. "I can't wait to meet her. That's my boy!" They both high fived and I was like really? Men.

***Sorry this chapter was a bit boring. This story is a few chaps away from being over. Vote and comment please. New update soon.***

You're Mine Forever (My Dad's Best Friend Sequel) (RDJ Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now