Bag of Tricks

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Monica held Deena close as she went down the hall to Robert's office. The secretary smiles at them. "Hello, how can I help?" she asked. "Bobby here?" replied Monica still walking towards his door. "Um, ma'am you're not allowed in there!" Monica shoots the gun at the girl. She fell to the ground dead. Deena screams outloud. "Shut up and get inside!" Monica closes the office door locking it.

Robert wasn't in his office at all. Monica uncuffs herself from Deena and cuffed her to the leg of Robert's desk. "What are you going to do?" asked Deena. "You'll see." answered Monica. She began placing dynamites around the room. She waved the remote in her hand smiling. "Bobby, dies first. Then the son and last but not least Secillia Turner. I may let you and that cripple live. If you behave, I ensure both of your safety."

Deena shook her head and cried. "I don't believe you. Why can't you accept the fact that the man you once loved is happy?! Learn how to lose!" she shouted. "I can never lose! Never!" "You keep this up you will lose again and again!" "Not this time. I have it all planned out perfectly. I shall be over. If I can't have him. No one can." "If you actually succeed, what then?" Monica knelt down to Deena placing the gun to her temple. "I'm going to smile over Secillia's bleeding corpes. Then, end my own life."


"Somethings not right. Jen's not picking up. A cold doesn't last a week. This is all wrong." I said. I kept dialing Jen's cell and home phone. No answer. Shit! Dominic was on the phone as we drove around town. He takes a hard right down Jen's street. "What's going on?" I asked. "Neighbors hear screaming from Jen's house." replied Dominic. Oh God! Monica is here.

Jen was outside giving her statement to the police. I ran over to her giving her a tight embrace. "She has my wife! I tried to stop her!" she wept against my shoulder. "It's okay, hun. We're going to find her." I assured. I pulled away to look at her. "Did she say where she was going?" I continued. "Just for a walk. She had this huge bag full of explosives and a gun." "I'm going to have the police take you to my house. We're going to help Deena. I promise." "Please hurry!"

Dominic recieved a call that a woman was killed at my job. Could Monica be there? We followed the police to the building. I call my office phone seeing if she will pick up. "Hi, Bobby. I knew you would call." she answered seductively. "Monica,what are you doing?" I asked. "Just having some fun. Come up and I'll give you my present. You have ten minutes or I kill the dyke!" The phone went dead. I look over at Dominic. He called me over so we can figure out a plan.

I stepped into the office and there sat Monica on my chair. Her feet proped up on the desk. A smile was plastered on her face. I had my hands raise. I could see Deena on the floor handcuffed to the leg of the desk. I can see the remote for the explosives on the desk.

"I didn't think you'd come." said Monica. "You said you had a suprise. Where is it?" I replied. "Look around you. I did this all for you." I smiled and stepped towards her. She points the gun at me and I stopped. "Don't try anything slick. I push this red button and BOOM! We all go straight to hell." snapped Monica.

I gave her a smirk pushed the gun down from my face. I yanked her up and pulled her close to me. I could feel her body weaken against mine. I cupped my hand tight on her ass. I licked her neck and sucked at it. A moan escaped her throat. "You think seducing me is going to get you out of this." said Monica. I picked her up and slammed her against the wall. "If I'm going to die at your arms. At least let me experience what I'm missing out on." I whispered.

I hated doing this. The only way I can get Deena out of here unharmed. I crashed my lips to Monica's. I imagined kissing Cece that way it could come off believable. I can feel her fingers through my hair. I held her arms above her head with one hand. Attacking her neck with kisses. I immediately smiled at her clicking the cuffs on her wrist. I then handcuff her to the metal bar near the window.

Her eyes burned with rage as I backed away. "You son of a bitch!" she shouted trying to break free. "Once again. Game over Monica." I said. I lifted the desk up so Deena could get away. We walked away toward the door. "Good luck trying to escape!" I turned to see her hold the remote. She broke her wrist just to break free. Deena and I went out the flight of stairs fast. Then a loud bang smashed against the door. Flames and smoke filled the stairway.


I opened the door to see Jen and an officer. She was a complete mess. "Jen, what happened? Where's Deenan?" I asked worried. She could stop crying. "Monica...has her. Bobby is with your dad." she replied. The officers walkie went off about an explosion at Robert's job. Asking for help. My heart began racing. Robert better not be there. "Stay here. I'm going over there." I said moving past them. "Ma'am, get back here!" shouted the officer.

I ignored him and got into my car speeding off down the street. Please, God don't let him be inside. I parked the car and got out. Smoke filled the air and fiery blaze flew out of the building. I seen my dad and ran up to him. His eyes widen as he pulled me out of the smoke. "Secillia, why are you here? It's dangerous!" he asked. "Where's Robert?!" He refused to look at me.

My mouth drop and I tried going toward the building. "NOO!" I yelled. My dad held me back. "We have to get him out of there!" "Secillia, we have to wait. I don't know if there are any survivors. It's three stories high." said my dad. "NO! WHY DID YOU LET HIM GO UP THERE?!" "Calm down, honey! Think of the baby!" The smoke was affecting me and I started coughing. My dad cover my mouth as we ran over to the parking lot. "Remain, positive. I know Robert got out. Just have to wait for him to come out."

***Srry 4 the late update. My sister had her baby and I've been busy with her. Yay! Anyway, Did Robert survive the explosion? Vote and comment please. New update soon. Btw check,out the new update on High School Psycho. Luv u guys***

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