Burning Hatred

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*Burned Hatred*

"Somebody help!" I looked down at Cece who laid there unconcious. "Baby, please stay awake. Two nurses came down and helped pick her up. Trevor told the nurses to bring her down in the operation room. I stayed in the hallway feeling like a complete jackass. This is all my fault. God help her. I called the babysitter and ask to watch Preston a little longer. A few hours passed and Trevor finally comes out. He looked upset as he came towards me. "How is she? Tell me her and the baby are okay." I asked. My voice was shaking. "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Downey. We lost the baby." he replied upset. I sat down on the chair and hovered over. I covered my face and began crying.

I can't believe this. I lost my baby. What the fuck have I done? I caused this. This is payback for not trusting her. "Look, I'm sorry for all this. You're wife and I never slept together. I've grown to like her so much." I grabbed him by the collar of his jacket slamming him against the wall. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD! SHE'S MY WIFE! I OUGHT TO KILL YOU!" I growled. "I'm sorry!" "Not as sorry as you're going to be!" I punched him straight in jaw. He hit the floor and stayed there. "I suggest you find another place to work. If you will excuse me." I headed toward the room and opened the door.

I seen her curled up on the bed crying. I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Bobby, get away from me." she growled. "Honey, I'm sorry for has happened. It's all my fault." I said. "Damn right it is! I told you to trust me more. I fucking hate you!" I go to hug her but, she pushed me away. "I lost my baby because of you! Get out! I never want to see you again!" She was smacking me and I gripped ahold of her arms. "Secillia, I said I was sorry. I love you!" "GET OUT!" She fell over crying.

I knelt down and wrapped my arms around her. Even though she tried to pull away. I wasn't going to let her go. She held me close and weeped. "Your boss told me the truth. I should have believed you. Forgive me." I said placing a kiss on her forhead. "I don't care about anything no more." "Don't talk like that baby. We will get through this." "What if I can't have babies anymore?" "You will I promise. I just can't over losing this one. I know he's in a better place. Even though the baby didn't make it. We will keep him in our hearts." She weeped against my chest holding me close.


I hate my life. I lost my baby when I fell down the stairs. Robert blames himself. Deep down I meant every word I said. I hate him. He said he should trust me more. I found that to be a bunch of horse shit. Instead of asking me what happened. He just fucking assumes the worst. I despise him with a passion. He brought Preston and I hugged him tight. My beautiful boy. He fills my soul with joy. Robert smiles at me and I just give him the cold stare. I'm through with him. I don't ever want to see him again.

I called a lawyer to get my divorce papers going. I need him away from me as soon as possible. I spent the day packing his stuff. Robert comes in through the door after work to see his suitcases near the stairs. "Secillia, what the fuck is this?" he asked. I threw the manilla envelope at him and he opened it. His face fell to sadness but, I stood my ground. "Baby, divorce papers. What is going on with you? I thought we had an understanding." "I lied. You have ruined my life!" I shouted. "You don't think I'm not suffering! It was my baby too! What happened was an accident." "I hate you!" "Baby plea-" "GET OUT!" "What about Preston? I want to see him!" "LEAVE ALREADY! GET OUT!"

I began tossing his suitcase out the door. "Secillia stop! I'm going!" yelled Robert. I pushed him out the door slamming it behind him. My heart was racing and I started crying. I feel back against the door and slid down. I sat there crying my eyes out. What is wrong with me? I can't seem to control my anger towards Robert. I just want to be alone. Maybe we rushed into getting married. Preston comes towards me and knelt down in front of me. "Mommy, no cry." he said. I set him on my lap and he wrapped his arms around me. "I love you, sweety." I sighed giving him a kiss on the cheek.

***Here's the first chapter. I felt bad making her losing the baby. But, I have an idea going for this story. New update soon. Vote and comment please***

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