Fair Warning

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*Seven Months Later*

The joys of being a nurse. Long hours and never ending patients. I dealt with this one person who came in with a huge gash on his arm. Bleed for ten blocks. We managed to stitch him up and pump blood for him.

I have been put on desk duty and other small tasks that doesn't required much movement. Yes. I'm pregnant. Six months to be exact. I'm having a girl. Name we chose is Jazlynn Nora Downey. Cute right? Preston is excited for his baby sister. He and Robert have been working on the nursery.

Not a day goes by that I don't think about the one I lost. I still keep a candle lite in his/her memory. I left work to pick up Preston from Soccer practice. He waved goodbye to his friends and jumped. I rolled the windows down because boy does he smell.

Preston frowned at me. "Mom, the air conditioner is on. Did you fart?" he said tossing his soccer ball in the backseat. "No, you stink. Between you and your father. Y'alls sweaty body odor is lethal." I replied chuckling. "It's called 'Manly Musk 100'. Not that bad." "You're such a goof." I pulled up to the driveway. Robert's car was parked there.

Preston heads inside and I follow along behind him. I heard a car pull up in my driveway fast. Out comes Matt from the car. What the hell?! How did he get out of jail? I immediately screamed and ran toward my door. "Cece wait!" he shouted grabbing my arm. "BOBBY! HELP!" I screamed yanking my arm away. Robert comes out and push Matt back. "Wait, Bobby hear me out!" pleaded Matt holding his hands up.

Robert punched him square in the jaw. He falls to the ground. "Why can't you leave us alone?! How did you get out of prison?!" he shouted in anger. "Listen to me! I'm sorry for all the bull crap before. I'm already getting the needle for trashing that navy base with the plane." "Then why are here?!" "Word got out that Monica comitted suicide in the psychiatric hospital. Come to find out it was a fake. She calls me letting me know that she's coming for revenge. She wants blood." Robert looks at me and I'm already panicing.

Matt gets up from the ground. "I got to go turn myself in. That's all I came to tell you." Before he could leave Robert stops him. "I have a better idea. I'll call them to come get you. I don't want any problems from you." mentioned Robert calling the police. Ten minutes later police showed up to arrest Matt.

Before, they put him in the car I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Thank you." I said. He smiled and they closed the door. I walked over to Robert and he held me close. "I hate this." I sighed. "Don't worry. I'll call your dad. He can help us get extra security." he replied. "Monica, is never going to leave us alone. She's not coming to take you away. She wants us dead." "Don't worry about it. Your father and I will make this go away. We are going to find her before she strikes."

~Jennifer Connors House~

Monica sat there eating a bowl of cereal while watching tv. Jennifer and Deena were tied up together on the floor. Mouths duct taped. Monica had guns in every direction. A week of being held captive and no one there to help. She got up from the table and dumped the bowl in the sink.

Monica takes her pistol in hand and yanked the tape from Jennifer's mouth. She groaned from the pain. "I'm going to go for a walk. I hope you don't mind I take your girl." she said grabbing a headful of Deena's hair. She cried in pain. "Please, don't do this! I ruined your chances of being with Robert. Leave her out it!" yelled Jennifer.

Monica laughs and pulled Deena nexts to her. "You know, I'm not much in to girls. But, for her I might make an exception." She pressed her lips on Deena's cheek. Deena whimpered and tried pulling away. "Leave her alone you sick bitch!" shouted Jennifer in rage. Monica kicks her in the stomach. "What are you going to do?! Your paralyzed and worthless!"

She picks Deena up handcuffing her to her arm. She holds the gun at her temple. "We're going for a walk princess. You try anything I kill the cripple and you." She looks at Jennifer. "Goes for you. I found cops are called. I put a bullet in her pretty little head. Let's go!" Monica yanks Deena out the door.

***Ugh-oh! Will Dominic and Robert catch Monica before she strikes. Or will it be too late? Vote and Comment please. New Update soon***

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