Morning routine.

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It should be around 9 AM now. You usually wake up around 7:45 AM and it takes you around an hour sometimes a bit longer or shorter to wake up, read the note, make sure it's really you, leave the room, find the basic rules, read them, and text your family.

So now it should probably be around 9 AM. You probably noticed the alarm going off earlier just in case you, for some reason, didn't wake up at the time you usually do. That's the only alarm that you're allowed to shut off without doing anything next.

Now you need to follow your basic morning routine.

9:00 AM: go to the kitchen and have breakfast. You remember how to cook, so that should not be a problem. Do NOT eat anything liquid while reading the letters in case you spill anything on them and lose a letter. You can not afford to lose a letter. There's instructions for everything.

9:20 AM: you should've finished breakfast by now. Put the dishes in the sink - you can worry about cleaning up later. The morning is the most important moment of the day so do exactly as told.

Go back to the letter room and read about yourself. You have an hour and twenty-five minutes.

10:45 AM: grab your stuff. You have five minutes to grab your phone, keys and wallet (next to the fruit bowl. Do NOT misplace them). Put on your coat if it's cold.

10:50 AM: leave the apartment. Once you get downstairs, and outside, go right. You walk down the street. On the left corner, on the opposite side of the street, there's a coffee house. Be there at 10:55 AM.

10:55 AM: Go inside and order to-go. You find your favorite order in the basic interests letter.

11:00 AM: you should've received your coffee. Go outside and wait. Someone will bring you a letter. Receive the letter and keep it close. Go home and open the letter once you're inside on the couch. If the letter comes with instructions, do what they say. But only if they're written in the handwriting enclosed on the back of this letter.

Good luck. I believe in you. I believe that I can do it. Don't screw it up. Be in time. Get the letter no matter how long you have to wait outside.

Get. The. Letter.

Notes To Myself (a Joshler story)Where stories live. Discover now