Chapter 14

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A/n: Thanks guys for your reviews. I can't believe my story has so many views, and reviews. Some of you have asked about what will happen, to answer that, we will see what happens when it happens. Sometimes I don't even know what will happen. If you guys have any ideas that I could incorporate, please share and I'll see what I can do.

I love the idea of the doctor having someone who won't really leave him, not a love interest, but family who support one another, and help each other grow.

Chapter 14

The Doctor brings Hame and I a cup of water.

"That's very kind. There's no need".

Novice Hame says

"You're the one working", the doctor says. He looks at me and says "drink little one, you have barely drank anything today". I feel a bit annoyed, all my life no one really cared about my health or what I consume, now after all these years of taking care of myself, now he wants to tell me what to do. Argh, but he is right, again, I haven't drank anything today'.

"There's not much to do, just maintain his smoke. And I suppose I'm company. I can hear him singing, sometimes, in my mind. Such ancient songs". 'I wonder what songs he likes?', the Doctor looks at me funny. 'What, it's a valid question'.

"Are we the only visitors?

"The rest of Boe-kind became extinct long ago. He's the only one left. Legend says that the Face of Boe has watched the universe grow old. There's all sorts of superstitions around him. One story says that just before his death, the Face of Boe will impart his great secret, that he will speak those words only to one like himself".

"What does that mean?" He asks.

"It's just a story"

"Tell me the rest".

"It's said he'll talk to a wanderer. To the man without a home. The lonely God and his child". I sat there shocked, trying to hide my feelings from the doctor. 'She can't mean me. I'm not even his child. This phrase wasn't even said in the show. But who else could she be referring to? And after what Bad wolf said, about us being family. It's still not easy to accept, I'm going to just try and go with the flow and see to where this leads'

Doctor POV

'She just keeps surprising me. How did she know it was the face of Boe, and knew that he was dying of old age? I'm going to have to talk to her about it'.

But what shocked me the most was what novice Hame said about the message the Face of Boe has for me, and it included Ayla as well.

Time Skip

Doctor POV

'Something is up with Rose, she is different, and speaks with a strange voice, she shows impossible knowledge about the computer system, she would not even know about, so what happened to her?'

The three of us walk into Intensive Care, and I hear, 'Doctor, Something is going on with Rose?', I respond into her mind, 'I can see that. I don't know what but I will find out'.

Time Skip

I woke up inside a cell. 'Where is Ayla?'

"Let me out! Let me out!" I yell

"Aren't you lucky there was a spare? Standing room only". Cass-Rose says.

"You've stolen Rose's body, where is Ayla?

"Over the years, I've thought of a thousand ways to kill you, Doctor. And now, that's exactly what I've got. One thousand diseases. They pump the patients with a top-up every ten minutes. You've got about three minutes left. Enjoy". 'I can feel Ayla close by'.

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