Chapter 2: Oh Captain, My Captain

Start from the beginning


"Fucking Jonas."


I couldn't help what I did next. I started to laugh, trying to cover my mouth and muffle the sound but the damage had been done. Lauren looked at me with wide eyes.

"I told you it was stupid!" she whined.

"I'm sorry, Lo.", I chuckled, "I don't mean to laugh, but...yeah, it's pretty stupid."

"Fuck off. Go do your favor." she spat as she stood up from the bed.

"A tweet is really keeping you from taking this box to her?"

"No!", she spun around to face me, "It's just...I don't know how to explain it. It's not the dumb tweet it's just stuff like that that makes me miss her. It's weird knowing that this time is, you know? When I see her talking to other people...I don't know. I realize that she's going to move on to someone else eventually."

"You are too."

"Not yet."

"Neither is she. It's a tweet, Lauren. She barely even knows Nick."

"I know! Ugh, this is dumb. Just forget I said anything. I just..."

She looked at me with those puppy dog eyes of hers and I couldn't help but flash her a sad smile. She didn't want to ask me again, but I knew what she wanted.

"I'll take the box, Lo. It's ok." I comforted her as I stood from the bed.

"Good. I need a smoke." she sighed, moving towards the other side of her room.

"A smoke? Now?"

"Just a little buzz. I need to calm down."

"Lo, we've got the video today."

(^That's My Girl Olympic Promo filmed on June 16th, 2016)

"I know. It's fine. I'm fine. Just take the box. I'll see you in a bit." she waved her hand at me as she rummaged through her bag.


"Dinah, it's not easy acting all happy around her all the time, alright? I need some fucking help."

"You don't have to act. You're allowed to be sad."

"I don't want to be. I have other shit to focus on."

Lauren finally found what she was looking for and pulled the paper tube out of her bag. She stood to face me, giving me a look that said 'why haven't you left yet?'.

"Oh boy.", I sighed, "Alright, I'm on it."

With that, I took hold of the box intended for the brown eyed girl and made my way towards the door. I turned to face Lauren one last time, but she had already grabbed her lighter and was making her way out to her balcony. Part of me wanted to stop her, to stop this habit that I saw forming, but I knew that there was no use. She was too stubborn, especially in that state of mind. Instead, I decided to complete my given task and exited the room.

As I made my way down the hall, I found myself thinking about how much had changed between the two Latinas. It was like none of us ever knew what to expect, how they would act towards each other. It was heartbreaking to see this back and forth between the two of them, but what was really eating at me was the words Lauren had chosen back in her room:

Thinking of Your Skin: The Truth Behind Camren - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now