"Rose?" his tone is mild; not angry, not sorry, not happy. "What are you talking about?"

I feel the urge to face palm myself. And then hit him with something. Like one of those big dusty books.  Or maybe a chair. That could work, too. I narrow my eyes at him, holding my elbows by my side. "You know what I'm talking about."

"Well if I did why would I ask you? I know I'm amazingly smart but I don't have mind-reading powers." He says sarcastically, but not meanly. "Yet," he adds hastily, biting his thumb. 

I bit the inside of my cheek ntil I can feel the sour taste of blood in my mouth. I won't say anything. I tell him mentally, challanging him to speak. He sighs and pushes his chair back, leaning on it, so only two legs touch the floor. "Okay, that came out wrong. I mean, what did I do to get you to hate me?"

"I don't hate you." I say automatically. Damn, stupid manners. "I just dislike you." I amend. Scopius raises a perfectly arched eyebrow. How can he even do that? Only arch one eyebrow. Shut up, you're angry at him, I scold myself, frowning. 

Scopius closes his eyes and opens them slowly like he's thinking excactly what he should say. Goood too, because if he says something stupid like before the holidays, he's getting some pretty nasty curses set on him. 

"Rose, I have no idea what I did to annoy you, so if you could please tell me...?" his qustion lingers, unfinished as he stares at me. I stand stubbornly, at least a meter away from him. He gestures to the chair, but I ignore him. 

how oblivious can he be? "Isn't it obvious, you idiot?" Before he can reply, I carry on, my anger driving me forwards. "I was going to wish you a merry christmas before I left, but you decided to be a bloody git and laugh in my face, now, didn't you?"

Scorpius looks perplexed. 

This is ridiculous. "You told me it was all a dare? A joke?" I supply, getting angrier by the second. Scopius cringes as I spit out the words. "Hey, lets see if the stupid Weasley falls for a Slytherin. Oh ha-ha I bet this is another one of your jokes isn't it? Well I hope you're satisfyed!" My voice is rising, I can tell and a couple who walked by is looking at me curiously. 

"Rose..." Scorpius says slowly, his eyes never leaving mine. "I never said anything like that to you...In fact, I was helping Professor McCan with his bags ..." 

I stare at him, unbelieving. "You were not."

Scorpius shrugs, his expression worried. "You can ask him if you like. I even went down to the train station with him."

"That's impossible."

Scorpius looks at me, his eyes not twitching the slightest bit, not even a slight sign which tells me he might be lying. I groan, flunking down on a chair. "Oh, so now I'm crazy too. Great."

  As much as I would like to say it wasn't true, his eyes were completly sincere. Which obviously meant I was out of my mind.  

Scorpius stares at me in silence. "Ummm."

"There has to be an explanation. Do you know how to make holograms?"

We spent hours trying to figure what the hell had happened. He told me people who were supposedly travelling had been seen in the school during the holidays, and that he thought it might have something to do with the whole facadde. I eventually sat down, still keeping a certain distance from him. It was weird, talking to him from such a distance. 

He frowned, is perfect features mashing into one another. "It's like someone is pretending to be me." he said, lifting his hand up to scratch his head. He ran his hand through his blond hair when he was nervous, I noticed. 

That's when it hit me. 

Hair. And pretending to be someone else. All that joined together, pulling at on old memory, of a story my father had told me time and time again. "I was always suspicious of that Professor Moody,' he would say, eventhough I knew it was only because he dangled a spider over his hear during their fourth year at Hogwarts.

"Unless," I said, standing up, my eyes focusing on his hair (which, might I add, provoked him to stare at me stragely). "Unless," I repeat, moments flashing behind my lids. Scorpius running his hand through his blonde hair, Scorpius picking off hairs from his jacket, Scorpius stretching and leaving behind a single hair on the couch. 

"Unless what?" Scorpius seems to be growing impatient, but my mind is racing, working out every detail of the plan. It was perfect. 

"Polyjuice potion."



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