"I don't want you here later than Kidd and make sure his ass lock up." I joked causing her to laugh.

"You got it Zander-have a goodnight." She waved me off as I walked to the door.

"You too." I walked out of the shop feeling the cool breeze from the wind. It was finally starting to feel like fall.

As I was walking out of the shop I accidentally bumped into somebody causing the person's phone to hit the ground.

"Shit!" She reached down grabbing her phone revealing the cracked screen.

"Damn." I scratched the back of my head as I watched her take a couple deep breathes.

I took the opportunity to take a close look at her. She had brown-skin that glowed from the moonlight, she had her curly hair down her back, and her eyelashes looked like they could fly away at any moment.

"Fuck and I just got this." She huffed.

I dug into my pocket fishing out $200 a fraction from the tips I made today. "I'm sorry-I wasn't paying attention. This should be enough to cover your phone."

She shook her head pushing my hand filled with the money away. "It's okay-I wasn't looking where I was going." She flashed a smile at me as she put her phone in her pocket.

"Take it." I put my hand out causing her to chuckle and shake her head.

"I'm good-have a good night." With that she walked towards the white Honda parked a couple spaces down.

"Woohoo-Earth to Zander." I finally took my eyes at her, realizing I forgot I was on the phone.

"My bad-I ran into somebody on accident." I unlocked the door to my blue truck climbing into the large truck.

"Zander I know damn well you ain't talking and driving-what I told you about that shit." I slowly backed out the parking space, laughing to myself.

"Bluetooth mama. Get with the technology." I laughed to myself hearing her curse me out in the background.

"You and ya sister get on my damn nerves-hold on Karter wanna talk to you."

The other line was silent for a while before I heard heavy breathing. "Hey baby girl!"

"Daddy when you getting here?" I could already hear the attitude in her voice, causing me to unintentionally roll my eyes.

"I'll get there when I get there Karter." I spoke sternly before taking a sharp turn onto the interstate, "How was daycare today?"

"Fun-we ate tacos and ice cream. Played outside. Drew pictures. Colored." She went on and on about her day at school.

"I'm almost there baby girl." I spoke finally turning into my mother's gated community

"Okay goodbye." Before I could say goodbye she hung up on me. I drove down the long street before pulling into the distinctively smaller home.

She insisted the whole time while looking for houses that it has to be small. She didn't want anything large because it would only be her and my father.

I walked towards the door knocking before twisting the handle and walking into the warm home. The smell of food instantly hit my bose causing me to unintentionally lick my lips.

"Daddy!" My little ball of energy ran from inside the dining room. Her afro moved around after every step she took. I bent down slightly grabbing her in my arms and swinging her around.

I placed kisses all over her face, causing the laugh that makes my heart flutter erupt. "I missed you Kar."

"I missed you too daddy." She leaned her head on my shoulders while playing with my fingers. "I got a green star today." I looked over at her with a huge smile.

"Is that so?" She nodded before flashing me a huge smile, "we'll have to get you a treat later." She nodded enthusiastically as I put her back on the ground so she could finish Moana.

I walked into the kitchen watching my mother sunny and dance around and she stirred the pots on the stove. I placed a kiss on her cheek causing her to jump up.

"Damn Zander-when will you ever stop sneaking up on me?" I pretended I was thinking before finally answering.

"Imma think about it." She grabbed the dish towel on side of her swinging it at me, catching me by surprise feeling the cloth hit my arm.

"Anyway you taking a plate of food home for you and Karter?"

"I was gonna cook but since you're offering-I was finna cook some spaghetti. But I'm 100% sure this will be better-what you cooking anyway?"

"Jambalaya, white beans, fried chicken, and homemade yeast rolls." I rubbed my hands together licking my lips.

"You asked me how my day was-so how your day? She placed the foil wrapped plates in front of me before wiping her wet hands.

"It was stressful-you understand how it is in the beginning."

"Well that's life baby-least you have an understanding what you got ahead for yourself." I nodded before looking up at her remembering something.

"Tell me why this woman a l tried to make a sexual favor at me-and mad when I told her I wasn't into none of that."

"Well baby you are handsome and single-any woman will willingly snatch you up."

"I ain't worried about none of that especially after Kelsey." She scoffed reaching for the towel causing me to back up.

"You have to finally let go of that situation baby-it's the only thing that'll lead you to your happiness you deserve." I shook my head rubbing my hand down my face.

I was dating Kelsey for 5 years before we found out that we were expecting. I knew in my heart that I was ready to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her. The pregnancy was just the icing on the cake.

The first couple months we were doing great. We went to every appointment and started taking parental classes.

But like true reality, happy endings never happen like in the movies. She disappeared for months leading to the birth of Karter. I was stressed out, leading me into a drop depression. I couldn't eat or sleep without knowing that they were okay.

I received a call on the night she went into labor, to my surprise. I rushed over to the hospital making it there just in time to see the birth of my baby girl.

When I woke up the next morning, the bed was empty and left a mess. I immediately thought she was in the bathroom, but that wasn't the case. She wasn't there at all.

The day she gave birth to Karter was the last day I will ever see her face again. A month after her disappearance I was made aware that she committed suicide.

Sometimes I blame myself for not realizing the signs. Maybe she was going through something and as her man I had to be there for her no matter what.

Now Karter has never experienced having a mother figure around. I've been a single dad since day one and quite frankly I'm not looking for a relationship anytime soon.

"It's about time for me to go home-it's close to Karter bed time and she still have to eat and take a bath." I got off the barstool grabbing the heavy plates in my head.

"Okay-be safe out there." I nodded walking out towards the living room.

"Karter it's time to go." She quickly pouted but fixed her face once she saw my expression. I grabbed her hand and placed her backpack on my shoulders.

"Think about what I said." I nodded before walking out the door.

"I will mama-make sure you lock up. Love you."

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